Example sentences of "or piece [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wall lights are best if they are directional and used to bounce light off a ceiling or floor , or to light a picture or piece of wall .
2 Resource-based learning can last as little as ten minutes : a child 's scrutiny of a repeating film-loop which teaches him a concept or skill he will need for the next part of his programme ; a short programmed exercise that enables him to test his grasp of an idea or piece of knowledge before embarking on a larger exercise ; a work-card unit giving practise in loading a projector or using a subject catalogue .
3 Where the bottom is weedy ( ordinary soft weed , not algae ) you can incorporate a cork or piece of polystyrene into the feeder to keep it on top of the weed ( see Fig. 3 ) .
4 Alternatively , it can be used to give information about an issue or piece of software , without an SPR having been received .
5 It will be of immense help to people who need to discover who owns a particular property or piece of land and to solve any disputes that might occur over ownership .
6 In many cases we speak of a given condition as cause and it is the one action or piece of behaviour involved , something to which responsibility attaches .
7 In principal , a character may be armed with any weapon or piece of equipment normally available to the Mobs , but this does not include special weapons such as a Fanatic 's ball and chain , or a Squig Hunter 's prodder for example .
8 Indeed so popular has it become that its designer has achieved the ultimate scientific accolade of eponymy ( having a phenomenon , method or piece of equipment named after oneself ) , for the apparatus is known as the ‘ morris water maze ’ ( Figure 9.5 ) and within the last few years has virtually replaced the skinner box as necessary equipment for all psychology labs .
9 It is also possible that some research is directed towards developing a technique , methodology , computer program , or piece of equipment which has wide applicability , but whose initial testing was carried out within some field of Scottish geology .
10 It is also possible that some research is directed towards developing a technique , methodology , computer program , or piece of equipment which has wide applicability , but whose initial testing was carried out within some field of Scottish geology .
11 Check the general safety of the room , that a lamp or piece of furniture has not been moved where it could be a hazard .
12 The design of every Shaker household object or piece of furniture is an expression of the Shaker faith .
13 This symmetry can be disturbed if one side of the rug is disproportionately near a wall or piece of furniture , and they should ideally be placed in a central position .
14 It was standing , without a flutter , on some branch or piece of wood , watching us coldly .
15 ‘ All three had injuries inflicted by possibly a knife or piece of wood .
16 Just tap the slabs down in the cement , using a mallet or piece of wood , until they 're level .
17 The earliest farmers fashioned the first sickles out of pieces of sharp flint fixed in a curved bone or piece of wood .
18 To remove the drill , insert a drill drift into the slot in the spindle and tap it in using a hammer or piece of wood .
19 Take a new but washed tea towel or piece of muslin large enough to hold the cake and moisten with half of the remaining bourbon .
20 Thus it is possible to speak of cheerful colours and melancholy sounds ( Gombrich , 1963 ) or of the mood of an entire painting or piece of music .
21 This is why the perception of a complex painting or piece of music can be elaborated in ever greater detail as more and more elements come to be discriminated .
22 If necessary , use an angle-poise lamp to ensure that every hair or piece of fluff has been spotted and then removed .
23 Their other misfortune , or piece of carelessness , was to find themselves defending the changes in health and education , which began under Mrs Thatcher , at a time when their success or failure could not be judged .
24 When he 's not feeding , he 'll suck at anything else that 's available — a dummy , finger , thumb or piece of blanket .
25 A good example is the placement of bright-yellow bricks and matching shapes on a table covered with a dark cloth or piece of material .
26 The engineer wants to know the simple answer to the question " how much load will this structure or piece of material take before it deforms irrevocably by yield or by fracture ? "
27 A newspaper heading ; title of an article or piece of news in a newspaper , journal , magazine , etc .
28 Undo : to reverse a command or piece of editing : tap Esc for Escape , then U Undo as soon as you notice something has gone wrong .
29 Take a muslin nappy or piece of cloth with you to put over your shoulder .
30 I do n't advocate this as a standard pressing technique , but if a flower or piece of foliage is already damaged you will have nothing to lose in trying to iron it .
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