Example sentences of "or look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In our view , we ought not to shut our eyes to these facts , or mask the dark sides of tsarist activities , or look for a justification for them in the need to protect Russian settlements from nomad onslaughts , and in the voevody 's disobedience to the tsar , etc .
2 Talk to your employer about this , or look at the leaflet ‘ Employment rights ’ mentioned above .
3 Another says : ‘ I pray best when I sit before the Blessed Sacrament , or look at the Crucifix without saying anything — just being with the Lord . ’
4 To find out about Alexander Technique classes or workshops , ask your local-education authority for details , search your local ‘ what 's on ’ in the newspaper or look at the noticeboard in your library .
5 You can also use your Card to call up the balance , print-out or order a statement , or look at the last few transactions on your account at one or more of the new AutoBanking machines we are installing up and down the country to help you .
6 I would n't speak to him all the evening , or look at the things he 'd bought , even though I could see one of them was a picture-frame .
7 They could compare the weight of the irons and investigate what they were made of , or look at the energy source they needed and the implications of this — the electric iron is not much use without an electricity supply !
8 Now if you 're a majority party you can instruct officers to come up with a specially paid reduction pol you pay for the policy , so you can then structure the system or look at the service and come up with a reduction , come up with an expansion
9 Compare the the text at the beginning with hers , the the the Middle English text with hers , and tell me , is there anything which she has caught well , or anything which she has missed out , or look at the first sentence , is she right there ?
10 People see advertisements out of the corner of their eye as they drive along a road or look through a newspaper or magazine ; they catch a glimpse of half a TV commercial round their wives ' or husbands ' broad backsides as the biscuits are brought in during a commercial break .
11 ‘ And I believe that I began then to train myself to listen in the voice of somebody , or look through the outer facade .
12 But she did not open the door , or look into the passage .
13 The great centre which Michael Abdul Malik will build will not be , or look like a political centre .
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