Example sentences of "as possible [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was essential to get the engine to pieces as soon as possible to stop further corrosion .
2 The political will came at a critical time when it was very necessary to keep the food costs component of the total wage bill ( including the foreign exchange component ) as low as possible to allow rapid and profitable industrialisation .
3 Required to reduce their academic staff by anything up to twenty per cent , they responded by persuading as many people as possible to take early retirement and freezing all vacancies .
4 It was as if they had left it as late as possible to take maximum advantage of credit .
5 If we care about other people — and if we want so far as possible to affirm other people — we shall walk warily before dismissing out of hand , discourteously or clumsily , what is deeply meaningful to them .
6 The general purpose of these provisions is to allow the court so far as possible to settle competing claims in one set of proceedings .
7 John Major and the Chancellor are determined to see interest rate cuts passed on as quickly as possible to stimulate economic recovery .
8 He saw himself as a buffoon with nasty reserves of observation , a man with goonish spectacles clamped round his ears and perfidy in his guts , and he felt so appalled by his mistrust of an old friend who must surely be taken for an ally that he tried as fast as possible to invent some headway on the project about Berlin .
9 The exercise was to get the victim out of the vehicle , and the tool used gave as little vibration as possible to minimise further distress .
10 The plaintiff will have to move as soon as possible to move suitable accommodation which will inevitably be a bungalow .
11 Some may be characterised as predominantly transaction orientated : that is , obtain the brief from the client and work as hard and fast as possible to fill that particular job , that being both the goal and the result .
12 Our aim is to encourage as many as possible to attain various levels within the award scheme .
13 However R.15 requires a declaration when a company applies for recognition that its memorandum and articles enable it ( i ) to remain in compliance with certain key rules and ( ii ) so far as possible to ensure continued compliance by its shareholders with certain key Rules .
14 ( b ) that the memorandum and articles of association of the body are such as to enable the body ( i ) to continue to comply with Rules 3–6 and ( ii ) so far as possible to ensure continued compliance by its members with Rules 5 and 6 ;
15 The idea is to present as much of the hook out of the bait as possible to ensure maximum contact with the carp 's mouth .
16 The tool may be used with care on wider boards , but the setting must be as fine as possible to avoid noticeable ‘ steps ’ between each pass of the blade .
17 Both Prof Steel Bodger and Richard Meade told the court the most important thing was to get the horse off the gate as quickly as possible to avoid serious injury .
18 It is often a good idea to make the positive and negative power supply conductors as thick as possible to avoid any noise or ripple being induced on the power supply lines when thin conductors could create an unwanted electrical resistance .
19 The purchaser should identify the need for an independent valuation as early as possible to avoid subsequent delay nearer completion .
20 So if you have got your heart set on a big wedding for the kids or a fast car when you retire , it is worth putting some money away as soon as possible to make sure the clouds of inflation do n't darken your horizon , adds Mr. Pinnell .
21 Government accepted responsibility for keeping aggregate monetary demand at a level sufficient to ensure full employment or what was considered as far as possible to constitute full employment ( an unemployment rate of 1% or 2% was considered acceptable ) , and the annual Budget was to be used as the main instrument of economic policy .
22 She explained that the subscription had been kept as low as possible to encourage maximum renewal of membership .
23 The flower spikes are also cream and green and the flowers blue , but these should be cut back as soon as possible to encourage more of those huge basal leaves to develop .
24 The oppressive regime I had anticipated was not apparent and the whole complex seemed clean , active and designed as far as possible to provide reasonable conditions and amenities for its inmates .
25 It has been suggested that blood pressure should be controlled at as near normotensive levels as possible to achieve maximal benefit .
26 He also called on ANC president Nelson Mandela and Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi of Inkatha to meet as soon as possible to end political violence in the region .
27 The third uses a significant volume of statistics but uses an online service and public libraries as much as possible to obtain these .
28 UEFA will need to rake in as much money as possible to satisfy powerful clubs used to making their own lucrative television deals .
29 ‘ We started off by concentrating on hardback fiction and mass market paperbacks because we wanted to build a paperback backlist as quickly as possible to get regular sales going through each month .
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