Example sentences of "as she reached [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , as with her tennis , she relied more on accuracy , control and skill than power , as she reached a handicap of +2 and won honours first for Surrey and then for her beloved Scotland .
2 Marie turned back to look at Bella as she reached the door .
3 Mungo asked , as she reached the stairs .
4 He heard the bolt slide from the attic door , then her tread on the stairs and the muffle of voices as she reached the upper room .
5 As soon as she reached the open deer-park she ran , and she hardly paused until she came to the broad track that sloped down to the marsh , smiling and vivid green in the late afternoon sunshine .
6 Then , just as she reached the edge of the road , Miss Clinton flashed by .
7 As she reached the gate at the farther edge she could see right under the low bridge — and as she looked she saw the van turn the bend at the top of the short hill leading to the bridge , and increase speed down it .
8 She found quite a rare one just as she reached the other edge of the wood .
9 Up the tree she had decided to make a dash for home as soon as she reached the ground , without giving the witch a chance to grab her , but now she did n't do it .
10 She opened the throttle again as she reached the quarter mile straight of Castle Walk
11 As she reached the outskirts of the town she stopped to ask the way , and then discovered that the traffic on the road past the White Lion was being diverted because of an accident .
12 I did n't ask for you to come down , ’ Miss Jarman greeted her as she reached the bottom .
13 Then , as she reached the dock 's edge , she suddenly checked .
14 ‘ Thunder coming up , I should n't wonder , Doctor , ’ she said , as she reached the pram where , at the sight of her , the child became more vociferous and waved his arms about excitedly .
15 The mare 's breath was roaring as she reached the crest .
16 As she reached the doors they came open , the button pressed by two people outside .
17 Topaz was slightly out of breath as she reached the marquis , not quite able to believe he was really there .
18 Apparently at this particular time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road in question and traffic from one direction had halted in order to allow that the young girl and her friend to cross the road they began to cross on the zebra crossing but , as she reached the centre of the road Mrs was driving her vehicle in the opposite direction and she failed to stop the young girl , in her teens , was unable to take , avoiding acci action and she was knocked down as she crossed the road .
19 Just as she reached the door , it slid shut in her face .
20 Elaine chuckled as she reached the bottom of the cliff and jumped from a smooth , rounded boulder into the shallow water .
21 As she reached the French windows into the drawing room she heard Allegra 's voice , ugly and distorted by an immense sob :
22 She paid the taxi-driver and walked briskly towards the main entrance of the building , slowing her pace as she reached the flight of broad stone steps that led up to the doors .
23 She gripped the pistol more tightly as she reached the wall beneath the window and rose slowly .
24 She was still brooding as she reached the surgery , which was situated in a superior house of dressed stone set among laurel bushes and bits of lawn .
25 She turned round as she reached the pavement to discover Urquhart a few steps behind .
26 Julius followed her , and stopped her as she reached the doorway .
27 It was only as she reached the small turning leading to the patio that she stopped , a momentary apprehension bringing goose-pimples to her skin .
28 To her chagrin he skied straight over to her as soon as she reached the field , and a faint , self-mocking grin touched her lips as she surveyed his outfit close at hand .
29 You will do it carefully ? ’ he added , his tone sounding suddenly a little dangerous , and Maggie stopped as she reached the door .
30 She added as she reached the bottom of the stairs where Miss Merchiston had arrived to meet her , ‘ I 've told the mistress as how Miss Kyte is come at last , and she said to bring her up straight . ’
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