Example sentences of "his commitment to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But in a clear attempt to dispel City uncertainty over the pound , Mr Lawson restated his commitment to exchange rate stability , saying : ‘ The Conservative Party never has been , and never will be , the party of devaluation . ’
2 Soper was displeasing to the Free Presbyterians for a number of reasons — his commitment to ecumenism , his left-wing politics — but more than anything it was his rationalism which provoked the ire of conservatives .
3 The break in 1939 invites speculation at every point in Nizan 's development regarding his commitment to communism .
4 His commitment to School was matched by his commitment to his wife , whom he nursed through a long illness without ever missing a day at School .
5 It is useful , tentatively , to distinguish two elements in Quine 's thinking here : his commitment to naturalism and rejection of the need for epistemology to exercise ‘ scruples about circularity ’ ; and his list of acceptable sciences , which excludes all of the social and human sciences , cognitive psychology , etc .
6 Argan believed that art belonged to all men , which is why he battled in defence of the cultural heritage from the dark days of Fascism — to the last days of his life , proof of his commitment to criticism as an instrument of conscience .
7 In May 1989 , Austin Currie took his commitment to Thatcherism a stage further .
8 In his inauguration speech on Oct. 30 Iliescu reaffirmed his commitment to pluralism and to the introduction of a market economy .
9 Durán , due to take office on Aug. 10 in succession to Rodrigo Borja Cevallo of the Izquierda Democratica ( ID — Democratic Left ) , completed the composition of his Cabinet on July 20 , and underlined his commitment to free-market policies by including in it members of the business sector .
10 The most popular president in post-war history , Pertini was revered for his complete integrity , his identification with the Italian people , and his commitment to democracy .
11 As family obligations recede to some extent , so his commitment to Truth and ahi sā increases through the service of his fellow men .
12 Dr Kim is well known in ecumenical circles for his commitment to justice and peace issues .
13 Admittedly , in his later appearances Zapp has gone poststructuralist , and abandoned system and objectivity ; but his commitment to professionalism is greater than ever .
14 His decision did not mean that he had abandoned his commitment to persuasion and conversion ; it was the principle of non-violence and not coercion which informed the spirit of his actions .
15 There can be little doubt that his commitment to family life with Rirette was a factor of equal , if not greater , significance to Nizan 's personal stability as his entry to the PCF itself .
16 Dr Douglas Bennett , a psychiatrist renowned for his commitment to rehabilitation services , remarked that ‘ dust will settle ’ in facilities for continuing care unless there is constant vigilance to maintain standards , and I have seen residential homes , established on the surest clinical foundations with excellent staff , deteriorate within a couple of years to become merely average .
17 Kim Il Sung was re-elected President of the Republic on May 24 and restated in his inaugural speech his commitment to socialism despite the " temporary setbacks " which had occurred elsewhere in the world [ ibid . ] .
18 One of the striking things about Havel is his commitment to drama over the past quarter-century and his insistence , in the period immediately before the Czech revolution , that he was first and foremost a writer .
19 His commitment to training is well-known and CIT wishes him well in his new position .
20 " Just as his 1858 trips had made known his commitment to emancipation , those of 1862 showed his determination to preserve the prerogatives of the autocrat " .
21 Neil Kinnock was happy that his deputy should spell out his commitment to equality as Labour 's objective .
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