Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [prep] view " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I should add that Dr. Gray on occasions has not been too impressed with the WCC ! informs me that he was strong in his support of view at last year 's General Assembly that the Church of Scotland should withdraw from the WCC .
2 Was it a certain gunnery officer 's intention to clear his field of view in Draconian style ?
3 From his point of view , therefore , I had to resign .
4 In the Netherlands East Indies he did more to promote his point of view .
5 From his point of view , Modernism as a sub-species of romantic anti-capitalism is one partial moment in the rejection of the consequences of Enlightenment properly understood : understood , that is , in terms of a Marxism which is itself held out as the genuine heir to the Enlightenment narrative of emancipation and its romantic critique .
6 Mike Laister was still clinging to his point of view .
7 I can quite understand his point of view , noticing the volatile ingredients for a riot are rapidly forming ( forty miles to go , and only one giant chocolate-chip cookie among the three hundred remaining in the queue ) .
8 Most evenings he was able to relax in a much safer part of London , from his point of view : the West End , where the theatres and the cabarets , the smart restaurants and the exclusive nightspots were doing the sort of trade their proprietors had previously only dreamed about .
9 Each front-line practitioner was asked to trace the development of the case from her or his point of view .
10 Alternatively , it will take a lot of resources to buy their consent to his point of view .
11 She had seen his point of view and expressed it even better than he did .
12 We were in opposite camps , and he could no more appreciate my line of reasoning than I could see his point of view , and finally we parted .
13 His point of view conflicted with the spirit of the age and , despite his example , the glorious art of true fresco died out , its practice being incompatible with the new social attitude to time .
14 The consequence ( usually ) is that he achieves his goal ; he coerces you both into giving way a very rewarding state of affairs seen from his point of view , a very unrewarding ( and sometimes humiliating ) state of affairs seen from your perspective .
15 In practice , however , the young constable soon learns that it is a more paying proposition from his point of view so to work his beat that the time-table is not deflected from .
16 And we should then find an answer that is valid from his point of view , rather than an answer that simply reflects our point of view' ( 1982 , p.35 ) .
17 In 1977 a Council planner summed up the development of the argument from his point of view : —
18 I realise from his point of view his company would be a quarter of a million better off if they could prove it should never have been paid in the first place , but … it is my mother he was talking about dammit ! ’
19 From his point of view he had asked to go to see the gorillas and he had been told ‘ Yes ’ .
20 Göring , much to Hitler 's annoyance , also managed to persuade the Danzig NSDAP of his point of view .
21 But such was the genuine power of his personality that his persistent contention that these fasts were undertaken with the object of assisting his opponents to accept his point of view on its merits always received respectful attention , even as it became more and more evident , with the passage of time , that their success depended in actuality on the personal capital he had built up : he was too special , too revered , and eventually too important in the political consciousness of the Indian masses , to be allowed to die .
22 He gave an impression of penetration , but few people were ever clear about his point of view .
23 A neat arrangement , to be sure , from his point of view , as he returned to his all-male environment once more .
24 ‘ Of course , from his point of view , it was understandable .
25 I knew that — from his point of view — this was the correct treatment .
26 Even if he is trying to attend to the perspectival appearance presented to his point of view he may get it wrong .
27 ( He does not even make any special point about the dishonesty which there would seem to be in doing this when acceptance of those claims is not the cause of one 's own attitude — to do so would be , from his point of view , to play the moralist rather than the philosopher who should simply describe ethical discourse . )
28 From his point of view , Edward could reasonably argue that the obligations which liege homage entailed interfered with his freedom of action as sovereign ruler of England .
29 Bernard Williams defines the respect that is owed to all persons as an effort of understanding , ‘ to see the world from his point of view ’ .
30 Even if the lobbyist is not entirely successful in putting across his point of view , he may have limited the potential damage of the new legislation .
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