Example sentences of "his [noun] remain [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He fought to make his fingers remain closed on the dagger , but they would not obey him .
2 ‘ The recollection of his presence remains sharp and clear , ’ Michael Middleton has written , ‘ and comes easily to mind : the scarecrow figure with its loping , fevered stride , head down , chin stuck into chest , every fibre intent on getting wherever he was bound ; the lantern face under the shock of hair , its extraordinary gravity in repose and its total re-creation in gaiety ; the exuberant clowning into which was channelled , increasingly and defensively , a perpetual crackle of nervous energy . ’
3 But some of his clubs remain uneasy about various aspects of the contract , notably whether Sky can repeat their ‘ live ’ matches within 24 hours , match scheduling , and the timing of payments from the television company .
4 His brother-in-law remained unscathed .
5 Although civilian government was later restored , Rabuka and his supporters remained influential within the Council of Advisors which was established as an interim administration by the Governor-General , Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau .
6 But the fact that Johann Heinrich Silbermann omitted the check in his action remains intriguing .
7 He was an old man , and his penis remained unaroused .
8 His eyes remain closed , his breathing is hardly audible .
9 He holds the bat aloft for comfort , so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly , believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought .
10 He holds the bat aloft for comfort , so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly , believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought .
11 He muttered and stirred , flinging his wounded arm out , but his eyes remained closed .
12 A slight flush had crept over Albert 's unlovely countenance , but still his eyes remained lowered .
13 He smiled back at her briefly , but his eyes remained hostile .
14 And Goldberg , pushing back his chair , stepping over the piles of papers and magazines littering the floor of his study , scanned the bookcase , found what he wanted , brought the book back to his desk , licked his middle finger and turned the pages , found the passage and copied carefully into the margin : only his mind remains unchanged .
15 The new National Assembly had 107 members ; under the original plan the Assembly was to have had 108 members , but one deputy died during the appointments process and his seat remained vacant .
16 His outburst , following McKendrick 's denial of the existence of absolute moral principles ( p. 78 ) , impolitely reverses the agreement maxim to emphasise his disagreement and although in his next turn he apologises for his outburst , the impression made by his interruption remains strong because it is accompanied by a violent gesture : The importance of physical gestures as a part of the dramatist 's characterisation is indicated by this episode , for , as Stoppard 's stage directions emphasise , Anderson 's anger is strongly conveyed through the one physical action .
17 His gaze remained fixed on the polished surface of the table , which dimly reflected the glooms and gleams of the room .
18 His origins remain obscure : he was known in Coventry and Wiltshire , and later in Kent .
19 , Christopher ( c. 1650–1695 ) , chemist and laboratory technician , was born about 1650 , probably in Oxford , though his origins remain obscure .
20 His home remained inviolate ; his cover stood undetected .
21 In 435 , Nestorius was exiled to the Egyptian desert , but his influence remained undiminished .
22 After that , his senses remained strained and alert for several hundred paces , but there was no more hint of a shadow , and as he moved away from the busier streets he became increasingly confident that he was alone .
23 As he ran , his senses remained alert to the night around him , to ensure he did not run slap into any other hunting parties like the one that had intervened when he was dealing with Grant .
24 If he is moving to a wheelchair with a removable arm , it is placed at right angles to the bed , and his feet remain level with each other .
25 His body remained stiff and taut , even though he wanted to tremble violently .
26 If a person is convicted in such circumstances , his right to remain silent is abrogated and set at nought .
27 He was called to give evidence at this morning 's hearing , but , although he appeared at the witness stand he exercised his right to remain silent .
28 Regardless of all his achievements and fame , he never changed in attitude and throughout his years until his retirement remained loyal to Balmoral Golf Club in Belfast .
29 Oates is seeking further sponsorship in his aim to remain competitive with the front-running teams , although half the budget has already been obtained .
30 It said a lot for the captain himself that his team remained confident in themselves even when results were not going for the Scots .
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