Example sentences of "we call [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That is , behind the overt behaviours is a ‘ real ’ person , the central influence on what we call a person 's personality .
2 It is a molecule we call a hormone .
3 ‘ She is not what we call a lady , ’ said Angel firmly .
4 For there would be some temporal duration represented by each revolution of the wheel and a certain number of these revolutions would still take place in the interval of time we call a day , even though the motion of the sun had ceased .
5 Yes it 's actually a day , what we call a day .
6 ‘ Suppose we call a truce ? ’
7 He lives on a diet of Mars bars , peanut butter sarnies , and a cake we call a vanilla slice — three layers of melting pastry , vanilla custard and cream .
8 It set in motion what we call a debris flow , a mixture of 50-ton boulders , rocks , sand and gravel bound together in a kind of slurry , which came rolling down the side canyon and dammed the river .
9 So if species have a capacity for adaptation to small-scale environmental change built in , could there not be other potential changes hidden within the mosaic of form and function , both subtle and dense , we call a species ?
10 The last remnant of the storm hits us , thick snow blotting out the view of anything , so reluctantly we call a halt and go back down on to the lake .
11 ‘ Now , while you 're still relatively unscathed , I suggest we call a halt to this … charade .
12 ‘ Now , ’ pointing the gun towards her attacker and praying inwardly she would n't be called upon to use it since she had n't the faintest idea how firearms worked , she glanced over towards Adam and the other man still engaged in a tussle on the floor , ‘ I suggest we call a halt to all this nonsense . ’
13 What we call a battle consists of a vast , heterogeneous array of individual actions in the field — fighting , firing , charging , wounding — none of which constitutes ‘ the battle ’ as such .
14 They could tell from his footprints in the snow that he had been trying to find a fold , which is what we call a stone shelter built for gathering sheep .
15 But before they do , perhaps I can say the most important thing , which is that the charges that we 're introducing are going to be underpinned with what we call a waiver scheme .
16 Looking at what we call a brain or fist ,
17 He also had another er , what we call a journey waybill and that , he used to record on there at each termini he used to record the time and the ticket numbers that he 'd got in his rack at that particular time , so it could be seen between certain times that a ticket perhaps was sold between Witton and Rushmere Heath .
18 I can not explain the meaning of " joy " by pointing to someone with glowing eyes and a smile on his face , and saying " This is an example of joy " , as I might explain the meaning of " tree " by pointing to a tree and saying " This is a tree " , or " This is an example of the kind of thing that we call a tree " .
19 " It 's what we call a Shape , " explained Strawberry .
20 For our analysis , however , we need to be able to differentiate between what we call a village and those places which are hamlets .
21 Okay well that 's erm every assignment to you you always have and this is being this had been updated we have n't got the new one yet but you will have what we call a blank .
22 news on ronny johnsen is that he probably will not be offered a contract with spurs — he was tried out as a central marking defender ( the style most teams play — each central defender marks one attacker ) and as such he was no succes — norway play what we call a zone defence ; ‘ marking ’ their zones instead of players — journalists from Holland were laughing as Norway 's coach Drillo Olsen was asked ‘ who is to mark van Basten ? ’ before our home game against Holland and he answered ‘ No one is ’ — they did not laugh afterwards ( we won 2–1 ) .
23 The seven stroke nine which is what we call a P three , yeah it 's not but
24 is what we call a manifest .
25 a , a , a strong back which was er er say a , a what we call a back in the centre of the ship and course the d n th the steam hopper could heave their own doors up by the steam winch .
26 So we call a guy say oh yeah , he changing th the er the pump again .
27 That the form tutor shou , is going to be a conscience and really what we call a form tutor 's job is going to you know , talk to the children
28 But this conclusion is not particularly illuminating as it merely says that children come into local authority care when no one else can care for them , a repetitive statement we call a tautology .
29 ‘ If it existed , I imagine this would have been what we call a pattern , an unofficial design for a coinage which was never minted .
30 The social position that a person occupies we call a status and the behaviour that we expect from a person occupying that position we call a role .
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