Example sentences of "we tried [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We tried to manage an unruptured tubal pregnancy with high initial beta-human chorionic gonadotropin ( -hCG ) levels by prolonged prostaglandin ( PG ) F2 application via LEC .
2 Secondly are we going to cave in to French blackmail again and what will it cost us , and thirdly if we 're going to have even more people going to Strasbourg or to Brussels or to anywhere else , is n't it about time we tried to save the people of Britain who are getting more and more worried and concerned and perplexed about E C , particularly in places like Harrow where they take a special interest in public affairs .
3 Well we tried to order a manual did n't we ?
4 He says we tried to persuade the Council to let us have it , but they said it had to be leased so now we have no where to go .
5 And when we tried to time the contractions , there seemed to be only a 45-second gap between each one !
6 Posing as tax-payers engaged in writing , film-making or oddball societies , we tried to enlist the honourable members in activities and causes close to their hearts .
7 We tried to explain the national concern over heart disease , and the medical advice to avoid excess salt .
8 We tried to explain the situation as we saw it to the police .
9 We loved ‘ Jump ’ — we tried to do a cover version of it .
10 I was er Chairman of Public Health and various chim , I was Chairman of the Road Safety , which I was very interested in I was very road safety conscious and we each were given a job which we tried to do the best we could with and then we well , whatever we were asked to do we began to make a good town , you know ?
11 We tried to create an exciting environment for people ’ .
12 Most of the concrete has gone and er well we tried to tidy the place up a little bit .
13 If we tried to describe a theory of legislation sufficiently uncontroversial to command close to universal assent among our lawyers and judges , we would be limited to something like this : if the words of a statute admit of only one meaning , no matter in what context they are uttered , and if we have no reason to doubt that this is the meaning understood by all the legislators who voted for or against the statute or abstained , and the statute so understood achieves no results not intended by all those who voted for it and would be so understood by all the members of the public to whom it is addressed , and could not be thought by any sensible person To violate any of the substantive or procedural constraints of the Constitution , or otherwise offend any widely held view about fairness or efficiency in legislation , then the propositions contained in that statute , understood in that way , are part of the community 's law .
14 We now had to grapple with problems of ethics , with questions of morality and of personal philosophy , as we tried to draw a simple police code of practice together to frame those new deviancies created in the 1960s by the Acts of Parliament relating to drug use .
15 We tried using the machine angled to cut an edge , but the handle prevents extended use in this mode .
16 We felt this should not be allowed to stand in the way of the child protection process , so we tried to put the responsibility where it should properly lie — with the perpetrator . ’
17 This became even more apparent to us when we tried to devise an intelligence test for horses .
18 We tried to use the date palm trees to close the roads — we had only eight English.303 rifles in Um Al-Farajh .
19 We tried to identify the main features of current best practice in English by describing classrooms where , individually and collaboratively , pupils are seen :
20 We tried to pull the leg up so that he would n't put so much weight on it , but then he only found it even harder to walk straight .
21 ‘ He was one of the top men we tried to keep a close eye on — when we could .
22 We tried to keep the scaffolders er occupied , doing their scaffolding bit accurate but safe everybody 's gon na be climbing down on that .
23 We tried to work the system , but at times of intensive spraying operations we were asked reduce our area of notification as large areas of the country were blanketed off to military operations .
24 Early one morning , we tried to find a clerk in a department that sprawls across a full floor .
25 On our way home we tried to find a Mothers Day card for Mark to send to his Mum , but I think all the Dalseattie shops must have the same supplier and sell those ghastly pink-ish cards with really crass ditties inside ugh .
26 As a result we tried to understand the reactions and attitudes , both of those who kept in touch with a member of the birth family and of those involved in the ‘ clean break ’ approach .
27 Clearly if we tried to apply a legal definition of ownership the asset belongs to Fred , however , unless the business is set up as a company in most countries the law does not recognize the separation of the business assets from those of the owner .
28 From the very beginnings of the ‘ life preparation ’ course , we tried to write an independence curriculum , and to follow the principles of ‘ normalisation ’ .
29 We tried to make the best of it but it was so bad that was impossible , ’ said Brian .
30 We tried to switch the balance , and there was a move on both sides to do that .
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