Example sentences of "we used [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We used to charge the top price for that — one shilling and sixpence a pound .
2 the organ there was a you know where you put your pump belt , there was a long stout piece of wood and you had to keep pumping that up and down to put the wind into the organ , and there was a mirror above the organ and Mr the org the organist , who was a butcher in Street , he could look into that mirror and see whether you was pumping fast enough and he could signal to you and he used to warn you to er keep your eye on the mirror and if he , if he wanted more wind he used to be up up up oh or , but it was just a big long of wood and we used to pull it up and down , I was fairly tall for me height a age , but er we used to have to stand on a box to get it going first , but it , it was just like bellows for your fire you know , wind for that , and we used to pump the wind into the organ also the service .
3 The electric bill used to be so high because we had the electric fire on all the time and we used to leave the oven on as well .
4 Yeah we used to leave the door open , she 'd come in and out again and then she would
5 Stanley had the saw running — we used to sell a few logs in them days — when all of a sudden he hears an explosion and thinks somebody 's having a go at his precious Lagonda .
6 We used to sell a few of them .
7 yes , any colour you can think of , I mean erm , blue I think is one of the worse , but thinking of lampshades we used to sell a lot of er lampshades for putting on table lamps er and erm , we 'd have just about every colour and somebody would come along and say well erm have n't you got one in purple and of course I 'd refrain from saying thank god no I have n't
8 but , we , oh we used to sell a lot of floor standard
9 We used to sell a lot of pig 's fry on Tuesday morning
10 nearly thirty years ago , erm , we used to sell the old glass bowl fitting on er three chains , hanging from the ceiling and that , and I used to buy those in a crate of about fifty at a time , and er most of the houses had two lighting points in the lounge anyway so , and they 'd always wanted a pair and we used to have them in the shop on a display so that about eight of them could all be lit up at once and people could see them and if they did n't like those then the , we could always put another one under the set if we 'd got one in a certain colour , we could hang one of those up and er they could look at that and see what it looked like .
11 Now we used to clean the bottom up cos used to be a big boiler in the dredger and erm we used to close down every six weeks , which they used to call blow the boiler down , that mean that they open the valve and the heat used to take all the water into the river , so er , that used to be blown down Friday night , come Saturday morning we 'd start at six o'clock and chip all the fur off inside the boiler , cos the boiler was made with all and what we call the crown , that used to be the two furnaces , cos they 're double the big boiler were a double furnace and we had to chip all that fur off them , well it used to take us now from six o'clock in the morning or say seven when we got there had to go down the tug and er go down the tug and erm , then we go aboard and strip off .
12 At that time , I mean , I have known when my , when I was a dredger and they used t we used to clean the bottom , I have known er mussels on the bottom , used to feed on , be on the side of the ship , good mussels , but of course there used to be cockles , winkles .
13 But we used to clean the shop ready for the morning .
14 Then as we got older , about 16 or 17 , we used to give a couple of bob at the end of the week to keep all our shoes .
15 We first of all we used to give the food parcel every fortnight because it was half one week and half the next and now it 's a food parcel every week so they they 're guaranteed that basic sustenance you know and erm and we 'll keep up the up th up the fund raising and the money 's certainly still pouring in .
16 And when we had a down near the banks dyke and it was fenced round and we used to carry the hens down there at night in a sack on your back .
17 What , well , we had a very large sitting dining room where we put er our dining room furniture at one end and as , the sitting room furniture at the other , it was very large actually , a Nissan hut does n't look very big , but it is quite big and we had one large bedroom where we got all our furniture in there and then there was er a kitchen , and there was an Elsan lavatory in the garden which er you had to go outside for that , and er , we bought a full length galvanized bath like an ordinary bath upstairs and there was a boiler in the kitchen so we used to light the fire of the boiler , fill the boiler with water from the tap , we had a , oh we had all sorts of er innovations that made life easy as could be in the circumstances , we had er hose pipe from the kitchen sink into the bathroom , we managed to get about three baths a week , cos it , it was a terrible fag , but we did , and then you just emptied the bath out and out in the drain outside you know .
18 We used to use a sort of doily to go round them , but now you can get washable plastic lace by the yard , which lasts much better .
19 It was worth all the hard work that we had put into it because it got that we used to use the town park towards the latter part of Barnardos day and all the men that we had gathered together used to have to erect every piece of fence to enclose like it is now , the park , is enclosed now with with fencing the men that were helping us did that all voluntarily !
20 The family has been in this part of Scotland for about two hundred years or more , from what I can gather , and we used to own a lot of the land around here .
21 We had to pay er there was two lots of erm tyres , there was one set of buses were fitted with and another one with or I forget which it was there but I know those three were involved at some time or other and we used to record the mileage , send it off to them , showing what each bus ran during the month .
22 We used to bend the whiskers under the microscope with a dissecting needle and , having measured the thickness and radius of curvature very approximately we could estimate the breaking strain by simple beam theory .
23 That all , that 's all for the grain and then of course we used to import a lot at locust .
24 You could n't cut them that day cos they were hot , you see , the day you killed them the , cos father was a rare man he , when we got , we got two fridges , we used to kill a week in hand , you see , one lot was in one fridge , that was in there a week before we touched it yeah .
25 We noticed that quite often if people ate the sandwich they left the cake , or vice versa , so when we used to collect the trays from them we would take whatever was left .
26 WE used to lead the way , set the trend ; things have been allowed to drift so much that now we 're struggling to catch up ’ .
27 And then erm they eggs would be in this incubator for about a week and then they used to arrange coops for them to go out do you see , we used to fence a field below the mansion , , in the field there , because there was a good in enclosure right round the two drives and then there were shelter you see .
28 When we grew climbing beans , we used to put a hedgehog or two overnight in the tunnel , but by morning they had always performed a Houdini .
29 My father , six kids on a Friday night , we used to put a bucket of water on the hot sink , on the old gas stove and my father used to bath us six kids in front of the fire .
30 When we were kill-pricking we used to put a sack down on the floor and lie on our bellies using a bodkin to clear holes .
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