Example sentences of "we go [adv prt] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For if we have no reason to believe that any more of the debts will be paid during the intervals of peace , than have hitherto been : Nay the whole of the Sinking Fund , by such an increased debt , becoming absolutely anticipated , together with numbers of additional oppressive taxes , we have less reason to expect any of the old debts to be discharged , as we go on contracting of new .
2 We go on brushing .
3 Although it is most obvious and acute when there is an actual death ( and we go on to describe reactions to the death of a partner in the next chapter ) , some mourning is appropriate to the many minor deaths which occur in the course of married life .
4 At this point we go on to plant noumenal gardens that are not to be contemplated or comprehended by the understanding or conveyed in words .
5 I have for myself come to the conclusion that owing to the conditions which exist in the world today , having regard to the economic environment , having regard to the situation of our country , if we go on pattering along as we are we shall have grave unemployment with us to the end of time , and I have come to the conclusion that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home markets .
6 Before we go on to explore these pattern types , it is worth giving a thought to the reason why I have concentrated only on slip , knit and tuck stitch types so far .
7 Before we go on to explore in some detail how the Stress Syndrome comes about I want to make a couple of general points .
8 ‘ The Germans ‘ ave n't an ‘ ope in ‘ ell , as long as we go on producin' nutcases like ‘ im , ’ whispered Tommy .
9 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
10 But if we go on refusing to accept our true age and try instead to remain at a stage of life to which we no longer properly belong , then looking younger than our years is a false statement .
11 As long as we go on subsidising house purchase to make buying and selling so enormously profitable , and to make renting unprofitable for landlords and for tenants , so long will the rented sector continue to decline .
12 Before we go on to illustrate and extend this model , there are one or two disclaimers to be made .
13 We go on to examine the firm 's dividend policy and how this affects the value of shares .
14 now we go on to book two because
15 that 's what we do this term we go on to book two .
16 We go on behaving and thinking as if there would never , never be enough .
17 Before we go on to keep the , to look at the minutes and for the young people who were actually on the weekend in .
18 ‘ All I know is that for as long as we go on winning , the challenge is on and Bath ca n't squeeze past for the title .
19 We go on praying for the release of hostages and prisoners held without a cause ; and we pray for peace , and especially for the peace of Jerusalem .
20 Benedicta , before we go on to meet Simon in the Fleet prison , there are certain enquiries to make .
21 If we go on to admit that the latter are partially justified by appeal to the former , we reintroduce the circle of conditional justification whose sceptical consequence was that nothing was ever actually justified .
22 Before we go on to discuss some of the ways in which the forms of speech and writing differ , we shall consider , in the next two sections , some of the problems of representing written and spoken language .
23 Before we go on to consider these studies of local politics , think about other major economic and social changes that have taken place within Britain since the mid-1970s — such as deindustrialization , or the large increase in home ownership .
24 This will become more evident if we go on to consider democracy in its larger sense as a state of affairs in which all citizens participate , and are encouraged to participate , as fully as possible in the organization and regulation of their whole social life .
25 It is an exploration of [ a ] vocabulary … which has been inherited within precise social and historical conditions and which has to be made at once conscious and critical — subject to change as well as continuity — if the millions of people in whom it is active are to see it as active : not as a tradition to be learned , nor a consensus to be accepted ; … but as a vocabulary to use , to find our ways in , to change as we find it necessary to change it , as we go on making our own language and history .
26 Most modern equipment is remarkably good , but generally we go on testing review items , whether their Star Rating is good or bad , long after the review has appeared .
27 ‘ It 's none of our business , ’ said Sam , ‘ and if we go round wiping her tapes , she 'll know we 've been here . ’
28 And then , like the children of Israel , if only , we go around saying , if only God would do this !
29 I should have told you we go up to kill men and not pop balloons ?
30 Now erm once again I 'm relying on the information that Norman would have given you in describing how we go about setting the assignments up .
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