Example sentences of "we go [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Here we go round the prickly pear
2 Here we go round the prickly pear
3 The song ‘ Here we go round the mulberry bush ’ reflects this ( though an alternative theory holds that a mulberry tree was often planted in prison exercise yards , and inmates recited the rhyme as they walked round it ) .
4 We go round the group deciding on whether he/she is happy or unhappy , old or young , what they do , how they feel .
5 Here we go round the mulberry bush
6 Here we go round the mulberry bush
7 No , we go round the lake and get into Erik 's house from the back .
8 Fix First one we did was fixed speed , sixty miles an hour , we go double the speed , so what happens to the time ?
9 ‘ She 's got to look nice for when we go up the hospital to see my little boy . ’
10 As we go up the scale of complexity , many highly evolved and sophisticated molecules are involved in the constitution of even the simplest living cell .
11 I 'll tell you when to fire up again just before we go up the bank . ’
12 Off we go up the step there 's a good girl .
13 Before we go up the train , can we get to my house first ?
14 Well I think I 'll go round actually cos they 're queuing up , we want to go to the grocers so er if we go up The Avenue we shall just come past the front of it .
15 Yeah , well you see it 's quite a point you know , cos if we go up the top shop , we just , well the most I would buy is four
16 This latter fact simply means that as we go along the chain of correlated consequences to larger and larger systems the links in the chain become tighter and tighter , less and less subject to quantum mechanical " creakiness ' .
17 How can they ensure that they can be effective , that is , that they can actually provide services as well as providing assessments ? ii If we go along the road of having dementia teams then what is the best management structure ; for such a team ?
18 I shut Ben in the conservatory now when I go out through the week , we just put him in the garage when we go out the weekend
19 Yeah , we go out the day of the
20 Er er , we go out the day of the Monaco
21 Let's drop something out and we off we go out the window .
22 We go down the tube .
23 Oh yeah , we go down the stairwells .
24 We go down the inside of the Bridge , ’ he continued .
25 We go down the highway . ’
26 as in this case we go down the three column , the three is a in the numerator N one , right , till we reach seventeen , right , and now test to see if it 's three point two right , so if we
27 Sometimes we go down the Salisbury Road
28 Yes , but if if we take the dog with us go up the heath and then I go to the hairdressers erm you do n't need a haircut anyway do you ?
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