Example sentences of "we look at a " in BNC.

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1 This month we look at a
2 Suppose that we look at a particular new mutant gene , out of the 2Nmf that arose .
3 On the other hand , if we look at a later decision-making episode in the same project when the pupils are temporarily in role as Indians who have to decide whether or not to receive a white stranger into their midst ( p. 53 ) , this is more likely to have been played seriously as a real game for by then the children , after several lessons on the same project , were steeped in the material sufficiently deeply to respect the rich complexity of the problem .
4 If we look at a random list of typical game structures we shall find that they reflect some of life 's common interactions and are obviously just as important in drama .
5 When we look at a house in the distance and we see a small house — say half an inch high — surrounded by trees two inches high , we are not fooled into perceiving them as small .
6 This month we look at a catfish with an unusual spawning technique .
7 MAKING TRACKS This month we have more on copyright , plus we look at a great new drum machine from Yamaha and an Alesis compressor to make your home demos sound ‘ pro ’ …
8 What really happens when we look at a globe , or a painting ?
9 If we look at a typical Midland deserted village site with the aid of air photographs and maps , we can see that it is made up of certain features which occur again and again on such sites , the most distinctive being the sunken holloways marking the courses of old roads and paths .
10 In fact , if we look at a conversation like Conversation B or Conversation D , where all the participants are British-born and in their late teens or twenties , it is most often the case that a Creole utterance does not receive a Creole response .
11 If we look at a relationship or any type of communication as a situation where somebody 's going to win and somebody 's going to lose there 's not gon na be much chance of two people working together on that so what happens is somebody 's got to lose .
12 If we look at a relationship or any type of commu mean taking a bit of a different look at things thinking well what is it that this person wants from me and what is it that I want from this person ?
13 So if we look at a a typical family .
14 If we look at an array of words as a self-referential order , we may abstract certain regularities , such as rules of grammar , sentence construction , statistics on the relative frequencies of various letters , words , etc .
15 MAKING TRACKS This month we look at an 8-track from Tascam , plus a rack-mountable tuner and the mysterously titled Power Tool …
16 We must consider that when we look at an alternative structure for the present arrangements for meat hygiene inspection .
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