Example sentences of "as regard [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just as regards two children , that was all agreed by the parties .
2 Moreover , distinctions may be drawn between ordinary shares , ranking equally as regards financial participation , by dividing them nevertheless into separate classes with different voting rights .
3 As regards financial reporting , The Stock Exchange is considering whether balance-sheet information should be included in interim reports , provided the unaudited nature of the figures is explained .
4 Popular participation in electoral politics began to flag after 1951 but arguably this was because most people felt less urgency as regards political change ; there was no strong and deep-going popular reaction against the government .
5 According to the electoral platform of the CPD as regards political prisoners , a distinction would be made between prisoners of conscience and prisoners of violence , and those accused of " homicide , grievous bodily harm , kidnapping and child theft " would fit into the former category .
6 Well , in my observation , as regards young boys , it er th they played could play them up , the lads would play pranks on the teacher , who would put the best on it for a long time .
7 As regards civil rights and liabilities , insanity has a very restricted operation .
8 You know how Kissinger 's policy lines up with that of Russia as regards Southern Africa and particularly Rhodesia .
9 The article is unmarked as regards spatio-temporal relations ; so the function of deictic reference is to set up a continual spatial , temporal and subjective opposition between proximal and distal relations .
10 There is a good deal of rhetoric in this field , and as regards higher education institutions , the increased ( self- ) interest in mature students has been prompted partly by the decline in the 18-year-old age-group by about one-third between 1982 and 1995 ; although for various reasons that decline does not simply translate into a comparable decline in intake ( Fulton 1981 ) .
11 As regards long-term plans by British Rail for expanding services and re-equipping certain lines , the hon. Gentleman will be aware that Sir Bob Reid , the chairman , published a document in the middle of last year which looked forward 10 years to railway investment .
12 As regards first editions … no author could have left behind such confusion in the classification of his novels as Wallace , although it would be fairer to say that the fault lay not with him but with his publishers .
13 As regards sanitary facilities , the British Standard Code of Practice ( CP3 , Chap .
14 As regards professional negligence and the commission of other torts ( in the name and on behalf of the firm within the usual scope of the tortfeasor 's authority ) , s10 of the Partnership Act defines the liability of the firm as follows : Where , by any wrongful act or omission of any partner acting in the ordinary course of the business of the firm , or with the authority of his co-partners , loss or injury is caused to any person not being a partner in the firm , or any penalty is incurred , the firm is liable therefor to the same extent as the partner so acting or omitting to act .
15 Moreover , the use of Tradeco in relation to the property transactions would afford a degree of personal protection to the members of the church council as regards limited liability , which is an important factor in the context of land transactions .
16 But I do n't I do n't think that the situation 's any any different with the proposed policy as regards existing situations .
17 As regards malicious referrals , what seemed to be the case in a very few instances was that at least some of the allegations had substance to them and were worthy of investigation , but in discussion with the parents it seemed possible that the referrer might be using the allegation to progress some dispute with them .
18 The Council " notes the particular importance which some member states attach to the adoption of arrangements taking account of the special competence of regional or local institutions as regards certain Community policies [ and ] the need to consider suitable procedures for the consultation of such institutions " .
19 As regards international linkages , the DTB is not seeking to become a partner in the Globex system .
20 Prior to the 1970s most banks relied on their networks of overseas correspondent banks ( sometimes referred to as the banks ' own banking system ) to meet customer needs as regards international trade payments and finance .
21 To complicate matters further , differences exist as regards legal systems , trade customs and language , all of which increase the probability of trade contract errors and make settlement of these more difficult .
22 It can be seen that by piecemeal legislation great strides have been made towards equality between the sexes as regards legal status , rights and liabilities .
23 I 'm not intending to do anything with any carriers as regards new stuff through the
24 The drug categories were ranked according to an assessment of their ‘ problem-causing ’ potential , particularly as regards such problems as addiction , overdose , disease , and temporary deficits in skills needed to operate machinery ( for example , to drive a car ) .
25 Particular instances are section 33 of Taxes Management Act 1970 as regards overpaid income tax , corporation tax , capital gains tax and petroleum revenue tax ; section 24 of the Finance Act 1989 as regards value added tax ; section 29 of the Finance Act 1989 as regards excise duty and car tax ; section 241 of the Capital Transfer Tax Act 1984 as regards inheritance tax ; and section 13(4) of the Stamp Act 1891 ( 54 & 55 Vict. c. 39 ) as regards stamp duty .
26 And as regards modern philosophy , in 1868 , before the summons to Basle , he had actually considered writing his doctoral dissertation on Kant , although he subsequently rejected the subject as unsuitable .
27 A person above the age of 13 , though under 18 , does not differ in general as regards criminal liability from a person of full age , though modern legislation has made special provision for the trial and punishment of persons under 17 .
28 Women , though at one time excluded from most public functions , were never by reason merely of their sex in a substantially different position from men as regards criminal liability , property and contract , if we except the rule ( now nearly obsolete ) which prefers males to females in the succession to real estate on intestacy .
29 Employers should consider the introduction of , or extension of , a " suggestions " scheme to include computer programs or systems written by staff who are not employed to do this , with effective rewards and suitable provisions as regards ultimate ownership .
30 As regards future prospects , both mortgage defaults and corporate liquidations should , in due course , decline ; at the same time , pressures on financial intermediaries to make further provisions against loan losses should also moderate .
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