Example sentences of "as [pers pn] tried [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now , as I tried to cure my asthma , I gave up smoking altogether .
2 We do not understand it , they say , by which they seem to mean that we can not set it out in everyday words ( though actually one can go some way towards doing so , as I tried to do in Chapter V of The particle Play ) .
3 A rock jutted out which others had grabbed as they swung down , but as I tried to do the same there was no edge below for my feet and I whimpered pathetically dangling on the end of the rope .
4 And if I could put that half a million pounds in context , as I tried to do in an amendment in Council yesterday evening , that is almost exactly the increase in charging for people going to day care facilities .
5 One day , as I tried to serve her on the quiet , two deep meaningful coughs from behind me raised the small hairs on my neck .
6 He did n't answer , and as I tried to explain , the blaring radio drowned my words .
7 Unfortunately , I own nothing , as I tried to point out long ago , but there you go .
8 These thoughts occupied my mind , even at night as I tried to sleep .
9 I could n't eat , and that night " my " insects swarmed behind my eyelids as I tried to sleep .
10 Part of the secret , as I tried to demonstrate in the last chapter , is the way in which we discuss again and again our ideas and proposals up and down the company , continuously adjusting , altering and probing our positions until , at last , we reach a conclusion which we can all accept and work to .
11 We hope very much it will be useful , but as I tried to stress at the beginning , we very much see the problems of developing countries , which we in the Institute are working on , as part of the problems of what 's going wrong in the world at the moment , in which we in Britain very much have a stake too .
12 We made some small talk as I tried to fix my eyes on his face to forget that my palms were sweating and my peripheral vision was registering only sky .
13 Playing with the selectors challenged my mathematics as I tried to work out the exact number of available tones , but let's just say there should be something here for virtually every style of player .
14 But as I tried to follow his instructions , keeping my fists up and my chin tucked in and learning a new kind of dance on the balls of my feet , the sight of his bare , hairless chest , so brown and muscular , would suddenly fill me with more than muscular weakness , and I felt I would collapse , not under the playful blows he landed on my discombobulated body , but under the sheer spell of his magnificence .
15 The windows were tightly shut , and the rooms smelled stuffy , but not damp , though the drawers of the chest stuck as I tried to pull them open .
16 I have never been competent in an emergency , and time was lost as I tried to figure out whether to dial 999 , or 9 for an outside line then 999 .
17 As I tried to think about what we should do , the day began to represent something we could work towards and almost look forward to , at a time when Waite 's kidnap had left us nothing to hope for .
18 Much as I tried to break in several times , they always caught me and would n't let me in to see the poor people travelling .
19 I munched away at my apple and toyed with a piece of cheese as I tried to concentrate on their views on Karl Marx .
20 While Uncle Ted sat outside in the car Jean charged straight into the bedroom , pushing me aside as I tried to protect my parents ' privacy .
21 The state-centrist approach leads to empirical enlightenment , as I tried to show in the previous chapter , but at the expense of some theoretical confusion .
22 Per , at No. 20 with How Do You Do , reveals : ‘ I bumped into a chambermaid as I tried to get back in .
23 Last night Mr Roseberry said : ‘ I was hit as I tried to get into the pub .
24 My hand was shaking as I tried to imagine just how I would perform the robbery .
25 But she avoided my lips , so that I brushed her cheek , and as I tried to find her mouth she said , ‘ No , Kit .
26 But there was no mistaking the soft fragility of the body beneath his , or the fragrant silkiness of the long tresses brushing across his throat as she tried to turn her head .
27 She moistened her lips , wishing there was some way she could avoid his shrewd gaze , but his hands caught at her arms as she tried to turn away .
28 In recent incidents , a youths stamped on a W P C's head as she tried to arrest them , and earlier this week an officer was injured when he and a colleague were attacked by a gang .
29 Polly 's face puckered as she tried to remember .
30 Lindsey lay for a few seconds , battling with a sense of disorientation , one arm flung over her face as she tried to remember where she was .
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