Example sentences of "we hope that [det] " in BNC.

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1 We hope that many practitioners will be willing to support us in this effort .
2 The majority of our trainees are hoping for a career in care , and we hope that many will be going on to further education at the end of the year .
3 We hope that many more members of staff will soon follow in their footsteps .
4 We have to grasp the opportunity , and we hope that all ASH Supporters will join us in persuading people of the case for a ban on advertising .
5 We hope that all the full county teams will be used , and there should be no confusion with the next item …
6 So far we 've only had particular doctors using it to run it in , as it were , but in the very near future we hope that all of the doctors in the accident department will be using this system .
7 We hope that that is not true in too many cases .
8 We hope that that will lead to improved programmes .
9 We hope that both of you will always enjoy married life , a very long and happy life together .
10 We hope that both questions will be pursued with equal vigour and no doubt they will turn out to be unpredictably related to each other .
11 We are not able to list all the available sources of help in this factsheet , but we hope that these suggestions will help you to find the help that you need .
12 But we hope that these impressions will at least bring some encouragement to the many friends we made who are working there , and that they may perhaps even help them by opening their eyes to some new possibilities based on experience elsewhere .
13 We hope that these methods will help teachers themselves to enjoy poetry and to share their pleasure with their pupils : ‘ Poetry needs to be at the heart of work in English because of the quality of language at work on experience that it offers to us .
14 We hope that these materials will not only be used for private study but be subjected to critical scrutiny by school-based inservice groups sharing common curricular interests and by staff of institutions of higher education concerned with both special needs teaching and specific curriculum areas .
15 We hope that those to whom this report is addressed — educationalists , parents , and those concerned with the provision of resources centrally and locally [ but not real teachers ? ] — will consider how far the standards of performance revealed , are acceptable …
16 We hope that those to whom this report is addressed — educationalists , parents , and those concerned with the provision of resources centrally and locally [ but not real teachers ? ] — will consider how far the standards of performance revealed , are acceptable …
17 We hope that those serving will be encouraged by the satisfaction that they give .
18 We hope that those who have been arrested will be released immediately .
19 On a positive note we hope that those British women , who have shown us solidarity with our fight for liberation , will continue their valuable work by making western women aware of just how liberated we actually are , particularly at this time of the lntifada .
20 PLEASE put across the vital role that ‘ guinea pigs ’ perform and although the date clashes unavoidably with the A.G.M. we hope that some class-members will be willing to channel their efforts on behalf of the Examination candidates .
21 We hope that this booklet will help you do this , by setting our clearly the various aspects that you will need to consider .
22 As more JARs become part of harmonisation regulation we hope that this work and associated costs will diminish in the next year or so , and the cost of work on JARs must be set off against work not needed on BCARs .
23 Quite simply , we hope that this portfolio will inspire you to visit and enjoy the specialist mix of quality shops and the entertainment .
24 We hope that this booklet provides you with useful information to be used as a starting point — to start thinking about the issues that HIV and AIDS may raise for us in our lives and to start talking with and listening to our lovers , families , friends and colleagues in an informed , non-judgmental way .
25 John Feaver , LTA Director of Events and Tournaments , said , ‘ Our experiences last year convinced us that something had to be done and we hope that this system will really help the enthusiastic spectator . ’
26 Our target is to reject the papers not sent to external referees within two weeks , and we hope that this information may lead more authors who have scientifically sound papers but are worried that they may be too specialist for a general audience to let us see them .
27 We hope that this year they will once again put the eggs first and bring a smile to the face of a child less fortunate . ’
28 We hope that this book will help those contributing to a Compact to understand the issues at stake , be alert to potential pitfalls , be sensitive to the needs and concerns of constituent members , and , in the end , develop a creative structure through which Partnership between Education and Industry can provide a positive future for young people .
29 We hope that this issue of WAM will open up some of these controversies , contemporary and historical .
30 We hope that this publication will aid that process .
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