Example sentences of "we believe that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When they spoke in the debate just before the war , Neil Kinnock and Gerald Kaufman said that a vote for the adjournment would not be a vote for war , that we believed that sanctions should be given longer .
2 We believed that flowers were for the living , and Uncle used to often quote some lines of poetry :
3 We believed that people at the conference would want to examine the validity of those claims and that official government representation would therefore be valuable .
4 But how could we believe that health and education could be the main players in achieving these targets ?
5 That is , unless we believe that language-users present each other with prefabricated chunks of linguistic strings ( sentences ) , after the fashion of Swift 's professors at the grand academy of Lagado ( Gulliver 's Travels , part 3 , chapter 5 ) , then we must assume that the data we investigate is the result of active processes .
6 Despite the deficiencies in the present system we believe that child resistant closures should be used now for all medicines whether dispensed or bought over the counter .
7 We believe that women have their own needs and are capable of deciding what is best for them .
8 Meanwhile , we give notice that we mean to bring the individual actors back from the wings later , because we believe that states and systems do not account for everything important in international relations .
9 A One of the reasons our products are only sold through selected salons is because we believe that haircare needs the advice of a professional .
10 We believe that government should not gobble up all the proceeds of growth , and that those who create prosperity should enjoy it , through lower taxes and more opportunity to build up personal wealth .
11 Well Madam Speaker , we 'll start making progress when members opposite realise that jobs come from companies being competitive , from private enterprise being able to sell goods and services competitively and it is members opposite who believe that the state can provide employment on this of the house we believe that government agencies can assist the market to operate effectively and real jobs will come from free enterprise which members opposite stand against .
12 As the hon. Gentleman will know , we believe that frontiers should not be changed , save with the wholehearted consent of all the relevant parties .
13 We believe that accounts , like actions , are manifestations of individual systems of knowledge and belief about the social world and the actions proper to develop and sustain it .
14 We wish to expand our membership because we believe that birds are everyone 's concern .
15 Whether we believe that inequality of the sexes is the result of genetic differences , the desire of men to control and dominate women , outdated attitudes and prejudices or historical struggle , it is undoubtedly the case that there is a continuous process of producing and reproducing inequality .
16 If we believe that Ireland can be purged of the Dark Lords and the Wolfline reinstated , then we will join with you . ’
17 ‘ As Arab feminists of Muslim culture , we believe that fundamentalism in all its forms is dangerous and that the scarf is oppressive , ’ said spokeswoman Souad Benani .
18 Incidentally , we believe that Falconet was the first British-designed jet aircraft to be Zero-Length Launched , at Larkhill on January 9 , 1985 .
19 We believe that N C V O has a key role to play in involving the voluntary sector in representing your concerns .
20 We believe that drugs and medicines should be used only to save life .
21 We believe that education is a moral transaction between one generation and the next .
22 We might even accept the regress caused by the suggestion that when we believe that p we believe that p is probable ( the regress comes by taking q = ‘ p is probable ’ ) .
23 We might even accept the regress caused by the suggestion that when we believe that p we believe that p is probable ( the regress comes by taking q = ‘ p is probable ’ ) .
24 Perhaps we believe that others perceive us as weak and ineffectual when in reality we choose to make a stand only about those things which really matter , knowing that it often takes more strength to remain calm and in control than to meet aggression with more aggression .
25 We believe that plays should be approached through the dramatic medium ; children should often see or participate in the play being acted , and not just read the text .
26 Specifically , we believe that changes to the Framework and Implementing Regulations are required in the following areas :
27 Methods exist for recording information about the affective domain ; we believe that observations must include information of this kind .
28 We believe that Safrane with its elegant exterior styling , welcoming interior and combination of driving pleasure and safety will open up new doors for Renault in this sector .
29 If we believe that integrity is a third and independent ideal , at least when people disagree about one of the first two , then we may well think that fairness or justice must sometimes be sacrificed to integrity .
30 It is probably too intrusive even to unconditionally ask the subject searcher to provide relevance information , and we believe that relevance judgements should only be requested if the system can detect that the user is either in trouble or being fairly persistent .
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