Example sentences of "from [art] nineteenth [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nor did they plan portfolios of prints , as Die Brücke did ; a practice , by the way , followed by a variety of artists ' organisations including the Senefelder Group in England , which has sold its members ' lithographs from the nineteenth century to the present day .
2 In the flush of enthusiasm , if not youthful , at least inexperienced , I set myself in 1960 two major objectives : one was the development of extramural services — ‘ community care ’ was the jargon — which would reduce the incidence of hospital care and counteract the institutionalism of long-stay hospitals ; and the other , not unconnected , was to break down the huge mental hospitals inherited from the nineteenth century .
3 In the transition from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century , clitoridectomy , it appears , ceased to be acceptable .
4 From the nineteenth century onwards , biologists reported ‘ lichen deserts ’ around towns .
5 The 142 written autobiographies from the nineteenth century are a cross-section of the social classes , but in no sense representative .
6 Most of the mining remains to be found date from the nineteenth century , during the last period of activity before cheaper foreign copper brought about the decline and fall of the local industry .
7 The windmill in full working order on the heath is a post mill of 1665 , the earliest mill still operable , though its machinery dates mainly from the nineteenth century .
8 The face is dished , like that of the Jersey , and it probably has some Jersey blood from the nineteenth century , while the brindling probably comes from the old Normandy Isigny variety , a good butter producer and big enough to be used as a draught ox on Alderney and Guernsey , whither it was taken by monks in the time of William the Conqueror .
9 Devon Papers , dating from the nineteenth century , of the geologist William Buckland and the naturalist Frank Buckland .
10 Most unskilled labourers were part of the indigenous working-class culture inherited from the nineteenth century .
11 The preoccupation with the study of artefacts in isolation has a number of causes : the need to provide a chronology ; the absence of frameworks of thought by which grave-goods might be considered in the first instance as part of a mortuary ritual ; and , particularly from the nineteenth century , obsession with artefacts .
12 I played a real opera singer from the nineteenth century , Nadena Burokhof and I based myself on her .
13 The new firm intends to specialise in diamond pieces including signed works from the nineteenth century onwards , and a selection of early Tessiers pieces formerly made for the firm .
14 Some pieces , like the hydria acquired by the Second Marquess of Sligo ( lot 22 ) were known from the nineteenth century , as was the Amphiaraos stamnos ( lot 24 ) which appeared in an early drawing by Benndorf published in Berlin in 1833 , after which it disappeared , only to surface again in this collection .
15 A ‘ phototec ’ which will allow greater access to the museum 's photographic collection which dates from the nineteenth century .
16 In most European countries the move towards education for all dates from the nineteenth century .
17 Even today , most convicts are sentenced to ‘ rigorous ’ imprisonment , and , although some revisions are currently being made , the gaols in most states are run according to manuals dating from the nineteenth century .
18 From the nineteenth century should be noted ‘ Rauferei vor dem Wirtshaus ’ , an oil by Heinrich Burkel ( est .
19 The improvement of mortality from the nineteenth century is to a considerable degree the improvement of the risks in the worst favoured classes and areas ( Woods and Hinde 1987 ) .
20 APERTURE No.98 , " Western Spaces " , addressed landscape , bringing together a critical article by Lewis Baltz on the CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPES of Edward Weston , an essay by Robert Adams on the legacy from the nineteenth century pioneers of landscape photography in the United States , and selections of photographs by David Avison , Richard Misrach , Art Sinsabaugh , William Clift , Frank Gohlke , Robert Adams , Edward Ranney , Lawrence McFarland , Mark Klett — including his work for the " Rephotographic Survey " undertaken by the University of New Mexico , Marilyn Bridges , Terry Husebye , David Hockney , NASA and Emmet Gowin ( a strikingly different interpretation of Mount St. Helen 's from Frank Gohlke 's ) .
21 There is a sense in which this task has remained the same since libraries began ( clay tablets were gathered into organized collections in Mesopotamia at least as early as 2700 BC ) but modern librarianship properly dates from the nineteenth century , from Panizzi 's reign at the British Museum , from the spread of the public library movement in Britain , the USA and Scandinavia , and from the new techniques initiated by such creative geniuses ( in their day ) as Melvil Dewey and Charles Amni Cutter .
22 Even the RP ‘ broad ’ [ a ] ( as in path , dance ) seems to have acquired its high evaluation only recently : Mugglestone ( 1989 ) cites evidence from the nineteenth century to the effect that it was stigmatized as a vulgarism by some commentators : it looks as though it may have been ‘ borrowed ’ from a low-status dialect ( such as ‘ Cockney ’ ) .
23 Many documents , especially from the nineteenth century , contain redundant words which only serve to confuse .
24 It is evident from the nineteenth century cases on the right to a hearing that the principle was invoked in a number of areas which could properly be called administrative .
25 In whatever fashion the contrast is formulated ( we might say , for example , that the two revolutions — political and industrial — which had inspired the new political science began to move in different directions , towards greater equality in one case , away from it in the other ) it embodies a large part of the substance of political enquiry and of political doctrines from the nineteenth century to the present time .
26 chart the migration history from the Indian subcontinent to Scotland from the nineteenth century to the present day ;
27 However , for most inhabitants of England and Wales , from the nineteenth century onwards , it is the town and not the field which has filled their vision .
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