Example sentences of "from [art] third world " in BNC.

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1 From Channel 4 's inception , he has encouraged talents that never previously found a place within the mainstream television , in particular through the workshop movement , but also on an international scale through regular features and documentaries from the Third World .
2 Ingredients obtained from the Third World , providing work and sustenance to underprivileged societies , go into products which are sold to the more fortunate , the profits of which go into her educational programme aimed at making people more aware of the critical issues of our times .
3 It was a generally constructive attempt to discuss the fact that 2 or 3 per cent of the population of most big European countries is now from the Third World , something which those who rhapsodise about the ‘ European identity ’ often ignore .
4 WC apps : 3 South Korea seem the most likely side from the Third World to achieve a surprise or two this time .
5 The horror stories of Eastern Europe can be more than matched from the Third World .
6 THINKING on economic reform in Eastern Europe has , up to now , drawn heavily on experience from the third world .
7 In the past few years I have been involved in a Seminar for senior administrators from the Third World studying at British Universities A group of 25 or 30 is gathered each year at Plockton in Wester Ross by the British Council , the ODA and the Highland Board .
8 Particularly so when the student had read Politics and Economics at the LSE , came from the Third World , and had a dark skin .
9 Data from the Third World suggests that it may be dubious : mortality is only a good indicator of the overall health of a population when infectious diseases are a major problem ( US National Center for Health Statistics 1973 ) .
10 For example , 80 per cent of our tin and 75 per cent of our bauxite come from the Third World .
11 About four-fifths of all phosphate raw material comes from the Third World .
12 Most of my companions on this field trip to the mines are from the Third World .
13 There is an informative chapter on new conventional weaponry , and an analysis of the arms race from the Third World viewpoint .
14 Slavery and imperial domination have been crucial social forces in the emergence of a modern world order , characterized by the striking inequalities which provide the essential backdrop to an understanding of the post-Second World War migrations of black communities to Britain , and which continue to generate migratory pressures on peoples from the Third World .
15 Here there were probably more pastors than scholars , especially from the third world , but there was a significant number of biblical scholars and theologians who looked back on decades in which loyal Catholic scholars had been harassed and impeded by an obsessive witch hunt against Modernism .
16 A few friends , a new stack of ethno/religious/tribal music from the Third World ( my birthday present ) , his holiday over , our new show soon to be launched .
17 Young women meanwhile ran the gamut of possibilities from the Third World 's untapped richness of natural fabrics and ethnic styles , with varied but usually voluminous results .
18 Not until rising nationalism and socialism ousted capitalism from the Third World would capitalism be destroyed .
19 The project of exporting social responsibility across frontiers is rapidly breaking down , and immigration from the Third World , from eastern Europe and possibly the Soviet Union will be the major phenomenon of the next quarter-century and a central problem for any new world order .
20 And it was to look at basic supermarket products really that are sourced from the Third World , and to try and have a standard that you could say , yes , that 's been traded fairly .
21 I mean , cotton and things like this come from the Third World , does n't it .
22 The controversy concerning the bilateral relationship between Britain and the USA was a symptom of this wider problem , which came to involve competition from new airlines — especially from the third world and developing countries , rising fuel prices , and deregulation policies .
23 This paper proposes that Christian Aid support a new one year course in Theology and Development for students from the Third World , to be run by either the University of Leeds or the University of Edinburgh .
24 There were two women from the Third World on the platform in those days — from Chile and Iran .
25 This has led to some repatriation of the apparel industry from the Third World back to the First .
26 That was , that 's the reality of cheap imports from the Third World .
27 Finally , it has been claimed ( as much by statisticians from developing countries as by Western commentators ) that official figures from the Third World are often considerably manipulated by the governments producing them .
28 Are we going to divert er an aid programme from the third world to prevent people starving and so forth to the Soviet Union or are we going to have er funds from the National Health Service , from Education , who 's going to find the money ?
29 Now that 's the kind of information that is absolutely vital for them to understand , in fact for us — I mean I myself am from the Third World — to understand what the problems are , but which can only be achieved with centres in the developed countries that are prepared to make this into a working programme erm for the benefit of both , because in very many cases improving erm the lot of the Third World on the question of revenue from commodities will also improve their position , or the British or the American , or the European consumer , by eliminating intermediaries and so on and so forth .
30 Yes , we are erm particularly interested in academic refugees from the Third World .
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