Example sentences of "we [vb base] to face the " in BNC.

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1 We hate to face the challenge of ideology .
2 We have to face the fact that there is virtually no money which has a 100 per cent pure source . ’
3 We have to face the fact that we are not a nice species .
4 We have to face the fact that economic factors and , all too often , short-term economic factors , shape attitudes to the environment .
5 ‘ Now that the genie is out of the bottle , we have to face the fact that the monarchy as we have understood it since Victorian times is virtually over .
6 ‘ However , equally we have to face the fact that almost all imported mahogany comes from Brazil and much of it is being traded illegally .
7 We have to face the fact ’ , says the boss of one manufacturer , ‘ that our margins will never be the same again . ’
8 We have to face the fact that there is a bigger risk of nuclear proliferation at present than the world has ever known .
9 We have to face the European proposals and we shall tackle them as we tackle all other European proposals — in the interests of British farmers and British consumers .
10 We have to face the facts of the current situation .
11 However , I think the practicalities in the situation are that we have to face the fact that they are not going to behave impartially and you see we have a classic example in er the circumstances of our own situation as described by John .
12 If we are to have a true two-stage sample , i.e. a sampling scheme for the secondaries within the sampled primaries , we have to face the fact that the primary sampling units can contain very different numbers of secondary sampling units .
13 We have to face the problems when they actually come upon us .
14 We need to face the frustrations left over from the second world war ’ , he says .
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