Example sentences of "she 'd never been " in BNC.

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1 Now that she was back in one , it felt as though she 'd never been outside .
2 Just being in the arms of this unique person , whom SHe 'd never been absolutely sure SHe could hook , effectively wiped the unpleasant memory from hir mind for the night .
3 She 'd never been in a hackney cab .
4 She 'd never been anybody 's dear before .
5 He 'd travelled half round the world , seen and done things she could only guess at , while she 'd never been further than Kingswood when she 'd been taken to be viewed as apprentice to a nailmaker .
6 It was obvious she 'd never been before .
7 She 'd never been a proper mother and I hated the way she was acting with that man .
8 Until the 1982 health service dispute , she 'd never been involved in a trade union , nor had she ever gone to any meetings about anything .
9 She could remember the bra , it had been rather a good black lace wired Kayser Bondor , of a line that appeared to have been discontinued , as she 'd never been able to find another .
10 She knew about anal sex , but it was something she 'd never been asked to do .
11 She 'd never been thrashed before , apart from the half dozen strokes of the cane suffered at Holmsly Manor .
12 But er there there were there were some pe our , our , on the bench that we we had a really , cross section on the bench that I worked on , there were very , women , one woman she 'd never been to work in her life .
13 She 'd never been driven that fast before , never experienced the sheer exhilaration and heart-stopping fear that merged into one as the F40 powered on the knife edge of its optimum limits .
14 It was a mews ; she 'd never been in one before , but she knew what it was .
15 She 'd never been left completely alone before ; for the space of a phonecall or an errand , perhaps , but never to the extent that the final responsibility for any of the work had been hers .
16 In previous relationships it had always been Lotta who had moved on to better things ; she 'd never been rejected before and she felt angry and humiliated , particularly as she saw her standard of living about to fall . ’
17 Which in itself was no lie , but it just so happened that she 'd never been allowed to join the other children in such frivolous pastimes , she reflected with a touch of resentment .
18 She 'd never been a raving beauty , it was true , but at the moment she looked a wreck .
19 Still , it sounded like a fascinating challenge , and she 'd never been to Sheffield before , so it would give her an opportunity to see another little bit of the world .
20 In his arms , pressed close against the hard , powerful body she 'd never been able to banish from her mind , she forgot everything but him , knew nothing but the agonising joy of being in his arms .
21 She walked out of the door , grateful that her marriage had brought her perhaps one thing of value , and that was freedom at last from her belief that she 'd never been loved .
22 She 'd never been away from home before and her new husband and in-laws were virtual strangers .
23 She 'd never been very interested in the Council anyway .
24 And that was true , for her — she 'd never been out of love with him and if he was falling for her he could n't have loved her before .
25 Heaven knew , with an entire house to decorate , there was n't much time for sun-worshipping , but she 'd never been able to resist the lure of the warmth for long .
26 The truth was she 'd never been more curious about anyone in her whole life , but there was no way she 'd give him the satisfaction of knowing that .
27 She 'd never been able to lie to Candy — the other woman knew her too well , could see through her straight away .
28 She 'd never been the crying sort — but it just took a few well-chosen words from him to reduce her to a jelly .
29 She 'd never been to Adam 's , but she knew he was renting a small cottage just a few miles away from her own home .
30 She 'd never been comfortable trading sallies with men .
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