Example sentences of "she 's been there " in BNC.

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1 She 's been there fore 18 months now and she loves it .
2 She 's been there for months — it 's a long-term project …
3 ‘ Ought n't you to be fetching Lisa — she 's been there since 3 and if they 're having a party tonight they 'd probably like to get her off their hands . ’
4 She 's been there for — oh , it must be twenty years .
5 and while she 's up there , after she 's been there she was going to Creep to spe
6 She 's been there for the last month .
7 Oh , if that girl 's been chucked out of her house , she 's been there then all the week then ?
8 It 's just a little shop , she 's been there years , she must have been there thirty years at least .
9 Cos I say she 's been there thirty years so she must do alright , everybody knows
10 eventually they went bankrupt , Florrie is an of mine , she used to work there part time and she always enjoyed it , she 's been there say twenty years , she just came back from holiday and found the place is closed down and none of for the past er fifteen months he 'd been there , that past fifteen months none of their part time staff had their stamps put on their cards , so for their , for their pension
11 Well they sort of said that what , hopefully , she 'll like be there for a couple of days and she 'll never think she 's been anywhere else , she 'll think she 's been there all the time .
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