Example sentences of "she have had [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She has had treatment in hospital for depression and is under sedation at the present time .
2 She has had skin grafts since being badly burned in the Siberian train disaster .
3 A woman does , as she gets older , achieve a certain status in the joint family , particularly if she has had sons .
4 She 's always , she has had compliments paid to her in the past , has n't she .
5 and , yeah , well did n't we phone her and had n't she had all that trouble , she 'd had shingles and
6 She 'd had chicken pox which she picked up while she was on steroids rescribed for an eye infection .
7 She 'd find some in the garden , after she 'd had breakfast .
8 Then we realised that she 'd had diarrhoea so badly it was actually oozing out of her collar !
9 ‘ Oh , she 's been here since the beginning of the year — she came over to start a new life after she 'd had problems back home .
10 Twice before she 'd had proposals of marriage and had rejected them because she could n't feel for the men they came from .
11 She 'd had difficulty in sleeping these past few nights , although she was exhausted from trying to clean up the house after she finished work each day .
12 Eliot summoned Mona and asked whether she 'd had access to the computer while working for MacQuillan .
13 So , unless she 'd had burglars — and nothing else had been taken — then Naylor , not caring to have his orders disobeyed , must have removed it .
14 The little stone winked like a red star in the firelight and Carrie thought of Mrs Gotobed , suddenly ; of the time she 'd had tea with her and of the way the flames danced in her rings as she stroked the silk of her dress .
15 You ken when there , there are , this , this old Mary that I tell you about er , she 'd had smallpox when she was young , she used to be a herring gutter .
16 She wor used to work in the kipper industry , and she 'd had smallpox once , knocked her off cos you should have seen her face .
17 But erm I know a student who was at B H S , near she was saying how she 'd had training for er delivering team briefings .
18 She 'd had years of practice .
19 He pulled her with him to a more secure place , but there was n't a chance of speaking even if she 'd had breath or invention .
20 However , after she 'd had time to calm down , Susan returned to the salon the next day to try to get her money back .
21 She took a sip of wine before she 'd had time to wonder whether that might be wise .
22 The words were impulsive , out before she 'd had time to vet them .
23 He asked if she 'd had time to think about it .
24 Then , before she 'd had time to express her thanks , he 'd touched her cheek briefly with his warm , dry lips and stridden away , leaving her feeling lonely and bereft , the small box clasped in her hand .
25 Once she 'd discovered her pregnancy she 'd had time to think , to plan .
26 That was what had caused it , of course , of that she was convinced , or would be once she 'd had time to work on it !
27 She did n't want him to see it until she 'd had time to think .
28 Afterwards , when he drew her close , she went to sleep almost before she 'd had time to savour the pleasure of lying in his arms .
29 Only a short time before she 'd had Penry for company while she knitted .
30 Oh , yes , she 'd had relationships — light , amiable things that gave her pleasure while they lasted , and no pain when they ended .
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