Example sentences of "she have [be] surprised " in BNC.

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1 When Alice had been smaller she 'd been surprised to find that every other home did n't have a room devoted only to precious stones …
2 She 'd been surprised and off-balance on hearing his voice , but her subsequent enthusiasm and willingness to help him out had been well-feigned .
3 She 'd been surprised Carol had offered to ice it , for Carol had never been domesticated .
4 She had been surprised when he seemed to join in so easily .
5 She had been surprised by his view of the Tech-Greens , however , and dismissed much of what he said about them as paranoid hysteria .
6 When she was quite small she had been surprised to see the woman carrying a folded table and a Gladstone bag .
7 Lilis in New York also said she had been surprised by the findings .
8 She had been surprised how hard he worked on the place .
9 Later she had been surprised to learn that he was n't in his late twenties as she had guessed , but almost a decade older , thirty-seven .
10 She had been surprised to find that he did n't feel it beneath him to help her in the house .
11 She well knew Richard Sharpe 's reluctance to dance , which was why she had been surprised when the message came from the Prince of Orange 's headquarters informing her that Lieutenant-Colonel Sharpe would be attending His Royal Highness at the Duchess of Richmond 's ball , in anticipation of which His Royal Highness took pleasure in enclosing a ticket for Madame la Vicomtesse de Seleglise .
12 Muriel held the broad shoulders and was surprised at the strangeness of the proximity , just as she had been surprised at the sight of Delia 's loosened hair some weeks before .
13 I asked if , in re-reading King 's works for his project , she had been surprised at what she had found .
14 She had been surprised in the end that her daughter had agreed to come , she had been so arbitrary and changeable lately , and there had been no way of knowing what would please her , and what bring out her bitter scornful sneer .
15 She had been surprised when he 'd come round after supper on Sunday and asked if he could bring his new friend to tea the next day .
16 At first she had been surprised when a flask and a chunk of bread had been tossed down to her that first night , until she had remembered that de Raimes did not want her dead just yet .
17 She had been surprised , in fact , to discover just how many other vessels there were out there , and would have liked to stay longer , but duty called .
18 She had been surprised to see Lily there .
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