Example sentences of "she [was/were] left with " in BNC.

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1 And , and the remote the remote for it and all she were left with was the decoder .
2 Leora personified the courage : I remember her trying to calm her screaming autistic son , taking him in her arms , rocking him , comforting him , until at last he became tranquil and quiet and she was left with his violence in her .
3 She was much better in herself and the sinus problem having effectively gone by Puls LM3 she was left with hot flushes and no further improvement .
4 All the lovely prickles and twists stopped and she was left with nothing but a feeling of panic , able to think of nothing but how could she stop him without making him angry .
5 But she was left with a deep sense of hurt over her friend 's behaviour and had been unable to trust anyone since then .
6 And she was left with the shattered remains of all that she had found dear in her life , and two extraordinarily sheepish-looking men .
7 She was left with no alternative .
8 Mikhoels , as you know , had been killed , and she was left with her two daughters .
9 They were so much more comfortable than the truth she was left with in place of them .
10 She was left with still more unanswered questions .
11 Either she was left with the excellent non-skiing kindergarten , which she enjoyed but where she did not learn to ski , something she very much wanted to do , or she had to be put into skischool .
12 When he died , after their long absences abroad , she was left with few friends in England .
13 She had not intended to bring this out into the open in quite this way , but she was left with little option , and she had a vague instinct that in the long run it might reap results .
14 He had torn the little gold cross from around her neck , during love , with such force she was left with a welt which never ever seemed to vanish .
15 All she was left with were the three pubs .
16 In which case she was left with no option but to tell him , a trace arrogantly , it was true , ‘ I do n't wish to discuss it ! ’
17 The hours she was working , she was left with little time for popping across the corridor for coffee and a chat , let alone for socialising .
18 ‘ My name is Cara Kingsdale , ’ she smiled on , and , when that brought forth no response , she was left with nothing to do but press on .
19 She was left with very severe cerebal palsy .
20 Philip Raper , 48 , was ordered to pay barmaid Christine Charlton compensation of £75 after she was left with bruising and swelling to her head .
21 She was left with bruising and whiplash injuries and her three-year-old son Aaron , who was travelling with her , was also bruised .
22 She was left with bruising and whiplash injuries and her son Aaron was also bruised .
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