Example sentences of "she [was/were] sit [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Amsterdam sipped his Madeira , seeing Topaz as clearly as if she were sitting opposite him .
2 Lee was cold suddenly as if she were sitting in a seawind .
3 She also felt as if she were sitting in front of a bespectacled lunatic who was making things up as he went along .
4 no she was sit in this
5 She was sitting beside Ken , who looked depressingly the same as he had done the previous night .
6 When , a little later on , as she was sitting beside the now sleeping child , she heard Liza come into the house , Harriet did not go downstairs but waited until her daughter stood in the doorway of the bedroom , wild-eyed and trembling .
7 She was sitting beside him now , staring straight out towards the sea .
8 She was sitting beside the Raeburn , knitting .
9 When they went into dinner and she was sitting beside Peter Suvarov , Julia took pains to draw him out and discovered him to be quite as attractive a character as his wife .
10 At half-past one she was sitting beside Maman at the dining room table : Maman who spoke not a word , who ate nothing — Twomey looked quite concerned as she waved away his offerings .
11 So here she was sitting beside me on the window-seat , shut in between a heavy curtain and a window .
12 She was sitting beside her father who seemed to be asleep on his back in the grass .
13 Ah , young love — she was sitting with her arm round him , crying silently .
14 She was sitting with her back against a tree more than half asleep .
15 Five minutes later , when he returned to the lawn , she was sitting with her back to the tree and , standing before her , he said , ‘ I do n't know how to thank you for your kindness .
16 ‘ But , more than that , she seemed to want everyone to know that she was sitting with somebody other than her husband .
17 She had met him in the Coupole the night before when she was sitting with her friends from the atelier , and he 'd known one of them and come over .
18 She was sitting with her back to him , and did not turn round even though she must have heard the sound of horse 's hooves on the hard pebbled path behind her .
19 Nona had a watch with a pretty red face , but she was sitting with her hands in her lap with the watch hidden .
20 She was sitting at the table with her chocolate cooling in the mug between her hands .
21 She was sitting at a table in the recreation room with her relatives round her .
22 She was sitting at a littered table with two noisy West Indians in colourful pullovers and a jaded , almost middle-aged fat lady with a fur coat .
23 She was sitting at the mirror in her room , having excused herself from her cousins ' chatter minutes before .
24 When he entered , she was sitting at the big table .
25 He was embarrassed , she knew , because she was sitting at old Eddy Moulton 's desk , upon the top of which poor old Eddy had so recently laid down his head and died .
26 She was sitting at the table , her fingers clasped beneath her chin .
27 And er very straight-faced in fact , and she was sitting at the back of the room , and I , I 'd just said to everybody , I said nobody here 's got a life purchased annuity , have they ?
28 She was sitting at the table with her back to me as I approached , concentrating on something in her hand .
29 Five minutes later she was sitting at a small table at the back of the dining-room , hidden from but within full hearing of the noisy bar .
30 Soft music flooded through her helmet , and if she ignored the sensation of movement , she could almost pretend she was sitting at home … almost .
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