Example sentences of "she [prep] the ground " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Jess offered Diana a hug and the Princess lifted her off the ground , ’ said her proud mum Pam , 32 , from Florida .
2 A futile gesture , as he lifted her off the ground , and before she could react she was being carried unceremoniously to the house .
3 ‘ It seems as if I really do need to lie down , ’ she said faintly , and then he had swept her off the ground and was carrying her to one of the low , comfortable sofas in a private alcove where donors who were feeling faint could eat and drink in peace and quiet as they recovered .
4 When Nora 's dress fell to her knees he pulled her swiftly to him , trying to lift her off the ground .
5 But he does n't , and my mother wo n't tell him to go , because she 's never in her life told anyone to go , it is n't in her , but he 's grinding her into the ground , she ca n't work , she ca n't concentrate , he keeps talking to her all the time , and the baby cries , and it upsets her , for all that she keeps saying it does n't , and that it takes her back to the happiest years of her life , when we were all in plastic pants , I suppose she means , except I think we all had to wear wet woolly leggings , she had this thing about plastic pants being unhealthy . "
6 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
7 She had said he must marry only so as not to disappoint his mother ; but should he come to her one day and say he was about to marry someone , that would assuredly beat her into the ground .
8 Zoe 's horse ’ Scrumpy ’ stumbled after a jump catapulting her into the ground .
9 When he turned and saw her on the ground he strode back , hunkering down beside her .
10 Benedicta was waiting for them , seated before a roaring fire ; beside her on the ground , crouched like a little dog , sat Orme , one of Watkin the dung-collector 's sons .
11 He removed his hand from Shirley 's rump , and assisted her to the ground .
12 He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders before he should butt her to the ground .
13 He could have run at her , forced her to the ground and banged her stupid , glossy head until her brains spilled out on to the stupid , glossy floor .
14 Or if this is the whim of some trouble-stirring witch , you must beat her to the ground and punish her .
15 But the white beast with her laughed , letting her run , then catching her , once … twice … finally throwing her to the ground ; rolling on top of her ; defiling her …
16 He knocked her to the ground , punched her and threw her over her bonnet , the court heard .
17 The man then grabbed her around the neck and forced her to the ground .
18 He pulled her to the ground and indecently assaulted her but abandoned the attack after the woman screamed and bit him several times on one hand .
19 A row erupted and when they reached Craylands he threw her to the ground and blasted her twice with a shotgun .
20 Jazzbeaux caught her behind the head with a steelheel , and dropped her to the ground .
21 While she is occupied in examining the gift , he quickly scuttles over her and ties her to the ground with bonds of silk before he risks an embrace .
22 It had ended when he knocked her to the ground and slammed out of the room , hearing her laughter following him down the corridor .
23 The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders , sitting astride her so that she could n't move .
24 There seemed to be a weight on her chest , pinning her to the ground and not letting her breathe .
25 The appellant attacked a girl aged 13 as she was walking home in mid-morning ; he put his arms round her waist from behind , pushed her to the ground and shouted ‘ Let me have it . ’
26 Some girls apparently continue screaming despite the fact that a number of fellows have already reached her and are trying to wrestle her to the ground .
27 She runs away but it bears down and casts her to the ground .
28 The worshippers dragged Ace before the sedan chair , throwing her to the ground .
29 In a flash , Mait backhanded Ace across the jaw , knocking her to the ground .
30 The teenager was walking through the grounds of Hospital yesterday evening , when a man pulled her to the ground and threatened her .
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