Example sentences of "she [prep] [art] thought " in BNC.

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1 He turned her to face him , lifted her lace veil , and the symbolic act sent a convulsive shudder of desire through her as a thought shot like fire into her mind .
2 Now the doubts in her mind were obliterated as a searing excitement took over , leaving her with no thought of evasion , no thought of anything but to respond completely , to enjoy the strength and purpose , the seductive presence of Rune Christensen , filling her senses with him , tasting , touching … enjoying …
3 He discarded her without a thought .
4 She closed her eyes as the memory rushed back vividly into her mind again , and a feeling of panic rose through her at the thought that a fierce spark of that madness might be living on within her as she approached the middle of her life .
5 A sharp pang shot through her at the thought of Dana travelling alone with Roman .
6 The explosion of joy that had suddenly burst through her at the thought of seeing him , at the thought of being with him , for a moment had overcome her senses .
7 A black depression descended on her at the thought .
8 Unexpected excitement flickered inside her at the thought .
9 A shudder ran through her at the thought of meeting Luke Calder again and she turned away , making a great performance of picking up her handbag .
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