Example sentences of "she [prep] [art] door " in BNC.

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1 As known to her as the door of the flat .
2 A stocky , even heavy woman , with straight blonde hair that was parted in the middle and otherwise unregulated , she padded about with firm , deliberate steps , not looking much at anyone , not smiling easily as Caroline did , only nodding indifferently when Alice caught a glimpse of her through a door or coming efficiently through the hall .
3 As he turned his attention to a woman who was fumbling with her purse , I ducked my head and squeezed behind her through the door and into the crowded bus .
4 I push her through the door .
5 He shoved her through the door , slammed it , and forced her down towards a hole in the wall .
6 He led her through the door .
7 Hari gestured that he follow her through the door into the small back yard and from there into the small workshop .
8 Then I hugged her again and pushed her through the door because I thought that if it lasted any longer I would cry .
9 Nervously , he followed her through the door .
10 After a minute or two I follow her through the door .
11 He was still talking as he propelled her through the door and back along the corridor towards the exit , barely pausing for breath , and giving her no chance at all to interrupt .
12 ‘ I talked to her through the door .
13 His hand firmly cupping her bare elbow , he escorted her through the door and along the passage .
14 If he was half-way well he would tell this bitch , boot her out the door .
15 , so I put her out in the end it erm it was surprising everybody knew what was going to happen they knew what I was going to do right when I come back in after swi place was empty they 'd got out that door before I 'd got her out the door but erm no it 's it 's very insulting .
16 By the time her mother rose in an elegant flourish of Pucci and swept her towards the door in that ostentatiously motherly way she had , Jo was in a sulk as deep as the Pacific Trench .
17 Instead , he half lifted her down the rest of the stairs meaning to frogmarch her towards the door that led to the yard .
18 He pushed her towards the door , then reached into his coat pocket and took out a packet of cigarettes .
19 Giles listened — or not — and then put a hand on her arm to steer her towards the door .
20 Benedict came away and grasped her hand , pulling her towards the door .
21 He turned now and led her towards the door , but there he stopped and in a quiet voice said , ‘ Now , do what I tell you .
22 Then , with a nod in the direction of the railwaymen — ‘ Thanks for your assistance , and for holding up the train' — he had grabbed Shiona unceremoniously by the wrist and was dragging her towards the door .
23 On long strides he was leading her towards the door , oblivious to her inner anguish .
24 He smiled easily , taking her arm to steer her towards the door .
25 ‘ Starting right now , this minute … ’ he murmured softly , brushing her lips delicately with his mouth , before quickly sweeping her lightly gowned figure up in his arms and carrying her towards the door .
26 ready to thrust at her inside the door .
27 Nick stopped her inside the door .
28 Rachel Keith would like to have gone there but her mother died and instead she went to see her father to try and effect a reconciliation , but her old father would n't let her over the door .
29 He led her to a door ; the door opened out onto the street .
30 He gripped her wrist firmly and led her to a door .
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