Example sentences of "'s failure [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Dubček 's failure to do this was presented by Brezhnev as a cardinal sin :
2 As well as a sideswipe at the DTI 's failure to spend all the money it had available for industrial-academic arrangements such as the Link scheme , the spokesmen promised various schemes to improve public understanding of science .
3 The plaintiffs sued for the defendant 's failure to honour this promise and the defendant pleaded lack of consideration , the plaintiffs being already under a duty of delivery by the contract with A. The Court of Exchequer ( Martin and Wilde BB. ) found for the plaintiffs : Wilde B. thought that the plaintiffs might have found it advantageous not to comply with their contract with A so that their agreement with the defendant was a detriment to them ; in any event , they agreed to part with the cargo to the defendant which was a benefit to him .
4 Does he not share part of the responsibility for the Government 's failure to allocate more resources to deal with asylum applications at least four year ago when the problem first arose ?
5 Although Lashley 's failure led many behavioural psychologists to adopt a ‘ black-box ’ approach to learning ( specifying input and output variables but leaving their connections a mystery ) , neuroscientists continued their search for the engram undeterred .
6 The feverish spewing-out of statistics in the name of the Citizen 's Charter is a poor apology for the Government 's failure to control these appalling crimes .
7 MacDonald 's failure to publish any financial figures for Norton has resulted in the shares being suspended
8 While some were happy to espouse them without question , others were more critical , the more so because of the Authority 's failure to consult any but a small number of heads about their content .
9 Archbishop Tutu said in a news conference after the meeting that he was concerned about Mr de Klerk 's failure to give any specific undertakings .
10 The corruptions in the West have come from man 's failure to apply those beliefs correctly .
11 The Crown 's failure to present such an argument may not have been unconnected with the tension existing between the King and the north American colonies consequent upon the recent Boston Tea Party .
12 " Leftism " came to mean opposition to the National government and criticism of the Labour Party 's failure to express that opposition more strongly .
13 Gregory 's failure to make any clear statement about the author of the original invitation asking Gundovald to return to Gaul seems to be deliberate .
14 The country 's failure to ban such fishing methods led to the US adopting an embargo on Mexican tuna in 1991 , followed by other European and Asian nations [ see EDs passim ] .
15 International condemnation of the attack was fuelled by Neal 's failure to offer any unsolicited expression of regret over the civilian loss of life and by his praise of the pilot 's skill in destroying the target .
16 Under the standby arrangement first agreed in March 1990 , the IMF executive board on Nov. 15 approved the drawing of SDR27,400,000 ( US$35,500,000 ) leaving a balance of SDR40,900,000 to be drawn subject to achievement of the performance criteria originally set for March and June 1990 [ for details of Jamaica 's failure to meet these targets and resulting suspension of arrangement see p. 37817 ] .
17 But he is unmoved by the criticism , despite County 's failure to win any of their last seven matches .
18 They follow the firm 's failure to win any of the last Type 23 frigates from the Ministry of Defence , or any substitute work despite a worldwide search .
19 The ANC had demanded that the carrying of weapons be outlawed , and appeared dissatisfied by de Klerk 's failure to impose such a ban .
20 The trouble was that being a good club player , even being an outstanding club player , does not of itself make you a worthy international , and it was Waldron 's failure to recognise this of his own Neath players that contributed as much as anything to his downfall .
21 This gets round the case 's failure to provide some important background facts .
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