Example sentences of "'s ability [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It will be seen from this that there are significant differences in terms of individual 's abilities to approach the optimum and to improve with repetition .
2 It is not age in itself which is important ; it is people 's ability to do the job .
3 Inevitably , government help undermined the bank 's ability to do the job for which it had been established , and in 1897 the Poles opened the new Land Purchase Bank .
4 A classic example of wasted power is found in Ventura 's ability to generate an index automatically .
5 Ferguson , for his part , can now look any supporter of his club in the eye and say that Gough having to commit the foul that debarred him from a Cup-tie verified the youngster 's ability to put an awkward pre-match situation out of his mind and play in a determined way that suggested his temperament was on the mend .
6 Several leading Australian rugby identities have raised doubts about South Africa 's ability to stage the 1995 World Cup .
7 Salary progression is controlled by the postholder 's ability to demonstrate an understanding of the breadth and depth of the full range of trading standards issues , normally achieved through the Department 's practice of rotation .
8 Inevitably this re-opened the question of the nation 's ability to remain a Middle East power , and encouraged more serious consultations with the United States .
9 Such a tax would , they concluded , both ‘ constrain and complicate the government 's ability to manage the economy ’ and ‘ carry some possible risk to incentives and to the encouragement of inflationary wage demands ’ ( Layfield 1976 , App 8:211 ) .
10 It is well known that many members of Parliament are among those who are deeply dissatisfied with Parliament 's ability to control the executive , or even to find out what it is doing .
11 Sadly , many an organist falls prey to the ponderous and unrhythmic playing which is invited by the instrument 's ability to sustain a note for as long as the key is depressed , with results which may be sentimental or lugubrious .
12 What it 's got to do with the comrade 's ability to join the Labour Party I 'm not absolutely sure , perhaps someone can tell me afterwards .
13 WITH a single goal to score to put them into the next round of the European Cup , only Scots south of the border doubted Leeds United 's ability to conclude the issue in their favour .
14 The most obvious test of television 's ability to set the public agenda was provided by its massive shift of emphasis on to defence in the third week of the campaign .
15 The accuracy of this qualification as a predictor of failure will be determined jointly by the auditor 's ability to assess the distribution of future cash flows and the nature of that distribution .
16 Thus , not to act or not to be able to act decisively against the ban in the first place seriously questioned the professional association 's ability to take a firm position on the vital matter of unhindered access to legitimate publications .
17 Grégoire 's ability to take a clock to pieces and put it together again , to strip down a car engine , to harness a horse and ride it well , to know and to cherish the names and characteristics of plants and of animals — all these abilities meant nothing to Hugo at all .
18 Boyd 's ability to take a controversial subject and set it down into explicable proportions is tested to the full in this work and the way in which the line fell into the Great Central 's hands together with the relationship of Benjamin Piercy 's trustees provides the kind of issues that keeps historians in correspondence for years to come .
19 With the loner 's departure goes , too , the amateur detective 's ability to disregard the law on occasion , and that of the private-eye .
20 So far discussion has been limited to discussing the beneficiary 's ability to recover the trust property where it had passed into the hands of a third party : in principle the beneficiary was able to follow it , but his claim could be barred depending on the nature of the acquisition by the third party .
21 Montagu testified that they never seriously doubted Lloyd George 's ability to form a Government .
22 Although a number of DVA type boards are available for PCs , none can match Videologic 's ability to manipulate the images in real time , shrinking and enlarging , saving frames to hard disc and displaying signals from multiple sources on screen simultaneously .
23 It should be apparent , first of all , that the relationships of equivalence described by Jakobson include at least two different types of structure ( see Todorov 1982 , Ch. 10 ) similarities of linguistic form immediately evident to the ear or eye ( in Saussurean terms , syntagmatic structures ) ; and groupings , according to grammatical and other classifications , which depend on the reader 's ability to categorize the different linguistic features of the text ( in Saussurean terms , paradigmatic ) .
24 These are variable , of course , but in many cases there are severe psychological after-effects — trauma , fear , and mistrust — which deeply affect the victim 's ability to lead a normal life for some time to come .
25 The dodder 's ability to lead a parasitic life thus depends on its ability to develop haustoria , an evolutionary adaptation which in one stroke has rendered redundant the need for two major organs ; the roots for supplying water and minerals and the green leaf for preparing food through photosynthesis .
26 Mr Bates , a local school governor , is a supporter of the controversial Macmillan City Technology College in Middlesbrough and is fighting his campaign on four main issues : law and order , the Conservative Government 's ability to lead the country out of recession , the Prime Minister 's commitment to the health service and his expectation that Langbaurgh voters will reject the plans of other parties to set up a regional assembly .
27 He knew all about his landlady 's ability to talk the hind-leg off a cockney donkey .
28 The case for a devaluation will be stronger still if doubts continue about the Clinton administration 's ability to see the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) ratified by Congress before the end the year .
29 In scientific experiments ‘ scaling ’ the apparatus optimally can sometimes affect one 's ability to see an effect accurately or at all .
30 visual sequential memory ( the child 's ability to repeat a sequence of non-meaningful figures from memory ) .
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