Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] to raise [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the Budget was criticised by Scottish Engineering , the employers ' organisation which represents hundreds of Scottish manufacturing businesses , and the brewers , angry at the Chancellor 's decision to raise excise duty on beer .
2 Brian Stewart , chief executive of Scottish and Newcastle , said the Budget was wide-ranging but in the context of his own industry , the Chancellor 's decision to raise excise duty on beer flew in the face of commercial reality .
3 The rich fumed about the council tax , the poor about Norman Lamont 's decision to raise VAT on fuel .
4 Sir : The Chancellor 's decision to raise interest rates yet higher has today been defended by Mr Baker , the Conservative Party chairman , as ‘ courageous and right ’ .
5 A spokesman for neighbouring Cleveland county council said they had been ‘ well aware of the Government 's intention to raise teacher 's salary well above the rate of inflation with a General Election coming up ’ .
6 Mina 's attempt to seize Pamplona in 1814 was a purely personal undertaking , but in 1815 Porlier 's attempt to raise Corunna was supported by the town 's leading liberals and earned enough popular support for ‘ serenades and a brilliant illumination ’ .
7 CLIFFORD GERMAN , City Editor , analyses the Chancellor 's attempt to raise revenue without halting the recovery
8 During the time which elapsed after his initial registration ( and the then delayed approval of his proposals ) , in line with Council 's determination to raise entry standards and tighten up membership requirements overall , the thesis content expected was increased to 10,000 words .
9 The findings are from the Daily Telegraph Parent Friendly awards in support of the Tommy 's Campaign to raise funds for better health care for babies .
10 The Parent Friendly Awards , held in support of the Tommy 's Campaign to raise funds to provide better health care for babies , were presented today at St Thomas 's Hospital , south London .
11 Earlier , Michael Heseltine , President of the Board of Trade , said he backed the Chancellor 's move to raise VAT on domestic fuel and power and would not ‘ cop out of the difficult tax decisions ’ .
12 Earlier Michael Heseltine , President of the Board of Trade , said he backed the Chancellor 's move to raise VAT on domestic fuel and power and would not ‘ cop out of the difficult tax decisions ’ .
13 Ecuador 's intention to leave OPEC , conveyed to members on Sept. 16 , was reportedly in protest against the high annual US$2,000,000 membership fee , and against OPEC 's refusal to raise Ecuador 's production quota from 320,000 bpd — about 1.4 per cent of total OPEC output .
14 Tickets are on sale via the personnel department at Barlaston for three performances by Gandy 's Circus to raise funds for the Douglas Macmillan Home .
15 Hence , one person 's voting choice may be influenced by a party 's commitment to raise pensions , which leads him or her to support it despite its commitment to other policies — say increasing educational expenditure — with which he or she disagrees .
16 the West Midlands has hauled a seven and a half ton truck from Great Ormond Street hospital to Birmingham Children 's Hospital to raise money .
17 Twelve people armed with frying pans raced across Dicken 's Hypermarket to raise £200 for the Yellow Brick Road appeal to build a centre of excellence in the North East to treat children 's diseases .
18 As mentioned above , it is sometimes important for the buyer 's conveyancer to raise observations on the content of these information forms .
19 Additionally , if the bonds were sold on the market , they could have an appreciable effect on interest rates and the Government 's ability to raise funds in the open market .
20 The only flexibility in a local authority 's ability to raise finance will be the poll tax , which on current reckoning is intended to make up only 20 per cent of a local authority 's revenue base .
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