Example sentences of "this requires [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This requires no redshift corrections .
2 To pay to the Landlord on demand with Interest ( where the Landlord has rebuilt and reinstated the Premises out of its own money ) the amount of such insurance money so irrecoverable in which event the provisions of clauses 7.5 and 7.6 shall apply and clause 7.7.9 should contain the following amendment : … anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority while under the Tenant 's control and in the employment of the Tenant wholly or partially irrecoverable … 7.8 Increase or decrease of the Centre If at any time during the Term the Centre shall be increased or decreased on a permanent basis the Insurance Rent Percentage shall be varied with effect from the first premium or additional premium payable in respect of a period after such a change by agreement between the parties or in default of agreement within [ 3 ] months of the first proposal for variation made by the Landlord in such a manner as shall be determined to be fair and reasonable in the light of the event in question by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator This requires no comment .
3 This requires a certificate of exemption signed by a registered medical practitioner , to avoid conviction for not wearing a seat belt otherwise made compulsory by the regulations .
4 This requires a level of co-ordination in tongue movements and swallowing .
5 This requires a degree of force particularly with copper pipe
6 This requires a tick to be placed in the box labelled Restore to Table
7 This requires a tick to be placed in the box labelled Bring to Working-Set .
8 But even this requires a kind of nostalgic astigmatism and amnesia , for the New Testament church is viewed without flaw or corruption , sin or perfidiousness , and we likewise forget the trouble St Paul was having with Corinth , the bitter wrangles over circumcision , and what the Spirit had to say to the churches …
9 This requires a re-examination of such chairs as please my eye and try to come with a starting point .
10 This means a compromise must be sought depending on the use to which the polymer will be put , and this requires a knowledge of the mechanical response in detail .
11 This requires a measure of continuity in ward staffing , to make sure that nurses and support workers know individual patients and understand the care plan .
12 This requires a lot of persistence by the parent particularly when the child is not interested in food .
13 Sometimes it is argued that this requires a form of discourse which breaks with principles of narrative continuity and follows a purely analytic order of exposition , albeit one which remains open ended and exploratory .
14 This requires a viewer to ‘ unpack ’ the image and reconstitute the real-life situation out of which it has been found .
15 Normally this requires a visit to the File Manager .
16 This requires a strategy of networking on a wide scale .
17 This requires a letter of inquiry to be addressed to the Ministry of Defence , for example .
18 But the problem is that this requires a teacher of genius ; and that a pupil has anyway only a brief time to get through work which has taken the lifetimes of many eminent predecessors : there must always be something artificial about heurism .
19 This requires the existence of a file of standard spectra .
20 This requires the provision of a range of services .
21 This requires the user to enter a unique name , together with a valid charge code so that LIFESPAN can determine where to store its copy of the package , and a filename which will be used each time the package is transferred to or from LIFESPAN .
22 This requires the capacity to make local judgements about tax levels .
23 But this requires the self -awareness of a developing language-user : a grasp of the significance of its mother , her absence and hoped-for return , and so on .
24 The agreement declares that the member is admitted to clearing membership ; this requires the member to notify LCH of such events as a petition for liquidation , loss of authorisation under the 1986 Act , the imposition of any disciplinary measure by a regulatory authority or a change of control of the member .
25 If children were egocentric , the capacity to sustain an effective dialogue would be impossible , for this requires the ability to switch speaker and listener roles constantly , to monitor the effects of one 's messages , and to modify them according to feedback received from the listener .
26 This requires the worker to lean in a doubled-over position on the large table or stone while making corrections . "
27 Further quantitative analysis may be carried out for consonant structure , liquid confusion , lengthening , palatalisation and order of acquisition of consonants , although this requires the test to be tape recorded and can be successfully completed only by someone with a sound knowledge of phonemic analysis .
28 This requires the bolide to be extremely underdense ( m 0.01gcm -3 ) by the time it enters the upper atmosphere .
29 According to the Court of Appeal in Tagro v Cafane this requires the valuer to assume that he can sell it on the open market to a willing buyer , and in so doing to ignore any covenant against assignment which restricts alienation of the landlord 's interest .
30 This requires the individual to give up his right to free use of some or all NHS services and instead to look after his own health needs , either in the private sector or by paying the NHS .
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