Example sentences of "this is [adv] suggest " in BNC.

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1 That I correctly interpreted this is strongly suggested by the fact that she was not surprised by my answer which was to stop what I was doing , go out with her , and set about trying to free the cat .
2 That I correctly interpreted this is strongly suggested by the fact that she was not surprised by my answer — which was to stop what I was doing , go out with her , and set about trying to free the cat .
3 This is not to suggest that all , or indeed any , should be discarded ; if England have to go for maturity and hope for the best , so be it .
4 This is not to suggest ‘ the more the better ’ ; but that there appear to be other measures that portend failure better than leverage ratios .
5 This is not to suggest that motorists should be treated differently .
6 This is not to suggest that consistency is an unworthy value : the argument is rather that there is a need to decide upon the categories to which the argument of consistency is being applied , and above all to recognize that simple resort to the allegation of inconsistency might serve to conceal the conflict between a number of social interests or principles .
7 This is not to suggest that life in a large mental handicap hospital is a fulfilling experience ; on the contrary , it has already been established that such places should not ideally exist and do not represent a suitable home for mentally handicapped people .
8 This is not to suggest ( as some have ) that the attempt to oust Mrs Thatcher was initiated by the media .
9 This is not to suggest that such observation is itself a straightforward method of investigation .
10 This is not to suggest that an attempt at measurement is not worthwhile , just that it may not be as simple as some raw figures suggest .
11 this is not to suggest that I function like a computer ( which would be anathema to me ) , for there is always something to react to , something new to learn , or to improve .
12 This is not to suggest that you dash out and decimate your garden .
13 This is not to suggest that boundaries are always of clearly definable kind , and only one .
14 This is not to suggest that we are complacent .
15 This is not to suggest that the criticisms made by Mr Smith should simply be accepted as an unavoidable fact of life .
16 This is not to suggest that Radio Nigeria , as the FRCN now describes itself , either ignores or is openly or blatantly unfair to the other parties .
17 This is not to suggest that the age variable can be ignored .
18 This is not to suggest that those outside this range never work , but rather that in advanced countries gainful employment is considered to be mainly the responsibility of those in this particular age band of 50 years .
19 This is not to suggest that today 's B Ed student is less competent than his or her counterpart of the 1950s or early 1960s .
20 This is not to suggest that our primary schools are perfect ; perfection in something as complex and variable as education would be very hard to achieve .
21 In Britain , this began to happen at about the same time as the emergence of positivist criminology — though , again , this is not to suggest any simple causal relation , in either direction ( see Garland , 1985b ) .
22 But even then , this is not to suggest , in the way that the positivists often seemed to do , that the result is some form of objective , scientific exercise .
23 This is not to suggest , however , that deconstruction in any sense brings another knowledge to bear : rather it involves a critique of Western knowledge that works by exploiting the ambivalent resources of Western writing , as if Marxism were to produce a critique of ideology without the advantage of its science ( which , given the current ambiguous status of Marxist science is not a possibility to be dismissed lightly ) .
24 This is not to suggest that most people will not respond to the reward of money .
25 This is not to suggest that Worsley 's book is just a compilation of pretty drawings .
26 This is not to suggest a unilinear path of ever-increasing usage .
27 But this is not to suggest that their behaviour is unpatterned .
28 The point of doing this is not to suggest that Western organizations are just like the modernist ideal type .
29 This is not to suggest that the average speaker of English does not understand the differences of meaning .
30 This is not to suggest that each of the sample antiracist statements does not have something pertinent to say about the particular instance of racism which it privileges as paradigmatic .
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