Example sentences of "[being] made [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 July was another month of hectic diplomatic activity , with further progress being made towards a full agreement on the P-5 plan during a series of meetings in China .
2 But certainly , some progress is being made towards the common funding formula .
3 See paper being made following the traditional method , but using a recycled base to which fragments of plant leaves and petals are added for colour and texture
4 It is possible for a claim to be made under this section when no claim is being made under the Personal Accident Section — eg where the accident claim falls within the 2 week deferment period .
5 In the ensuing debate , Alan Shatter , TD of Fine Gael , author of a book on family law , pointed out the better provision being made under the projected divorce law for a first wife than existed at present , and that children of the first marriage would maintain their present rights , though they would have to share with children of the second marriage .
6 The loan is being made through the International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) , the bank 's private sector arm , which environmentalists accuse of acting as if it were exempt from the Bank 's environmental directions .
7 The house had become far too large and expensive to maintain for Aunt Lou and so it had been altered , the top half being made into a separate flat on the first floor and a studio apartment created in the former attics .
8 The promenade is being improved and the road being made into a dual carriageway .
9 So are the boots themselves , being made of a metallic fabric .
10 Accordingly , having regard to maintaining the doctor 's primary duty , a Family Practitioners ' Committee is entitled to impose conditions limiting the number of visits per 1,000 patients which might be made by the deputising service , so as to prevent excessive use being made of a deputising service .
11 Women , however , were still perceived as being made of a different metal and , in spite of Mill , their voting remained an absurd and scandalous project for many decades after ‘ manhood suffrage ’ became a reality .
12 As Doctor Who swung into production , envious eyes in the Children 's Department studied its apparently lavish costume and set provisions , distinctly convinced that the programme was being made with an inflated budget won at the expense of cutbacks in standard children 's output .
13 Ministry of Defence approval was gained many years ago and as such PAS have supplied much needed parts to the RAF 's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight , all transactions being made with the relevant release documentation .
14 I think one of the problems with this legislation right now is that too many of the discussions with regard to the bill are being made on a political basis .
15 The product will follow HFC134a , which was also piloted at Widnes and is now being made on a full scale plant at nearby Runcorn , with a second currently built in Louisiana , US .
16 As Her Majesty 's Government have based their aid to Kenya on progress being made on the political front , presumably there is now scope for increasing that aid to a country which is an island of stability in a troubled area .
17 I have no later than half an hour ago contacted my office and there has been no official communication re any decision being made on the royal dockyard and the capacity none whatsoever .
18 This may seem to violate the definition of policy making as involving more than isolated decisions , yet individual professional judgements of this kind may cluster or have similarities that suggest implicit if not explicit policy decisions that are being made at the operational level .
19 Under the Conservative government , as noted , the tax system became less progressive , with the major reductions being made at the top end of the tax range and there were increases in national insurance and the nonprogressive indirect taxes .
20 Mr Reid maintains he was refused the right to call witnesses on his behalf while Mrs Gerrie said she could not remember a request being made at the original hearing .
21 It was then that choreographers turned their attention to music already available , very often because financial difficulties prevented any approach being made to a living composer .
22 If the objects of the society are not charitable , the rule against perpetuities ( see p. 42 ) , from which charities , provided that they are to begin within the perpetuity period , are exempt , will make void any gift of property by way of permanent endowment , whether made by will or otherwise ; but there is nothing to prevent gifts or bequests from being made to a non-charitable society in such terms that it can , at any time , dispose of the capital at its pleasure .
23 ‘ Is there anything to prevent another payment being made to the right charity this time ? ’
24 This final section allows Mr Hicks to justify the implementation of abc as a better foundation to the decision making process ; but is the argument being made to the right audience ?
25 You have heard my opinion that in general terms , the existence of a conservation area is an indication of the likelihood of a contribution being made to the special character of the settlement and therefore to the setting of York , which is the prime purpose or the prime function of the York greenbelt .
26 Aid appeal AN APPEAL is being made to the Welsh Office to help fund , through Urban Aid , a £20,000 scheme to build a play area for children at Castle Walks maisonettes in Flint .
27 The Non-Aligned also approved ‘ the efforts being made for the early establishment of a zone of peace , freedom and neutrality in the region ’ and called on all states to support these efforts .
28 Putting on successively larger weights increases the extension and the " modulus ' is measured from the graphical plot of load against extension , corrections being made for the cross-sectional area and for the original length .
29 Arrangements are being made for the annual dinner for the institute which is at the Stanwick Arms , in Aldbrough St John on April 29 .
30 From the window of his room the Collector watched the final preparations being made for the hazardous withdrawal from his original " mud walls " to the new fortifications .
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