Example sentences of "by [v-ing] together [art] " in BNC.

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1 An IT system is one which satisfied the information requirements of an enterprise by bringing together a relevant combination of technologies which capture , generate , transfer , store or process information .
2 It demonstrates that more can be achieved by bringing together a mass of illustration than many a pedantic thesis .
3 The agency say they broke new ground by bringing together a drinks company and an existing client , the DoE , to sponsor a major anti-drinking and driving campaign .
4 Like many others in education , he would like to see a structure that meets the needs of all 16-to 19-year-olds by bringing together the academic A-level syllabuses , with all the various vocational courses , into a common system .
5 The new paper takes the discussion forward by bringing together the main suggestions from the earlier paper which enjoyed general support , and further proposals for a system under which tax-payers could assess their own liabilities .
6 By bringing together the findings from local studies in France and Britain , BPPS and CERVL compare the experiences of similar types of communities in the two countries .
7 Somalia , independent since 1960 , was formed by bringing together the former British Somaliland Protectorate and the UN Trust Territory of Somalia ( once an Italian colony ) .
8 By bringing together the academic faculty , researchers and practising managers the College has created a research community capable of undertaking well-founded and practical research .
9 By bringing together the academic faculty , researchers and practising managers the College has created an international research community capable of undertaking well founded and practical research .
10 Emphasising the need for European co-operation , Mr Stewart said : ‘ By bringing together the resources of various countries , we can take advantage of the complementary know-how and abilities available throughout Europe .
11 By drawing together a variety of material , it builds up a picture of inequity which ‘ is inexcusable in a democratic society which prides itself on being humane ’ .
12 ( c ) Certain abstract words , like food , metal and beauty may be taught by grouping together a number of objects , models or samples belonging to the same class .
13 The direct product representation Γ t is generated by multiplying together the corresponding characters of the representations Γ i and Γ f .
14 Meanstested benefit payments are calculated by adding together the needs and resources of a family .
15 The Fibonacci series is produced by adding together the last two numbers in a sequence to get the next number — 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 and so on .
16 Turnover has to be calculated by adding together the respective turnovers of all parent and subsidiary companies .
17 It is made up by adding together the profiles corresponding to bullets which have gone through slit I and bullets which have gone through slit 2 :
18 A rough estimate of column height can be made by adding together the vertebral-body heights ( excluding sacrum and coccyx ) .
19 For the whole economy the social cost of monopoly power is obtained by adding together the deadweight burden triangles such as ACB for all industries in which marginal cost and marginal revenue are less than price and social marginal benefit .
20 The total demand for money ( or total liquidity preference ) is found by adding together the transactions , precautionary and speculative demands .
21 We created the team — not overnight — by pulling together a multi-disciplinary squad of ‘ value-adders ’ — operators , tradesmen and supervisors who represented the plant organization .
22 This letter was only the beginning of a case with a long history , and by piecing together a number of disjointed fragments of information we can obtain an unusually clear picture of the sequence of events and of Anselm 's reactions to them .
23 By piecing together the jigsaw fragments , I was able to recreate the chapter .
24 The very year when Mary offered her kingdom to France saw the death of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V , that colossal and most admired figure of the sixteenth century , who had achieved the impossible by holding together an inheritance which sprawled across Europe .
25 Aneurin Bevan was only able to defeat the opposition of doctors to the National Health Service in 1944 by buckling together a compromise with Lord Moran , president of the Royal College of Physicians , ‘ stuffing their mouths with silver ’ , and promising to respect their independent practice .
26 It 's always exacting to work a patchwork sweater , simply by joining together a group of your test pieces , but a similar idea is to mark out patches on a squared sweater diagram and work a variety of these patterns for a sampler sweater .
27 Reaggregates were formed by mixing together the desired stromal and lymphoid components ( usually at a ratio of 1:2 for epithelium and lymphocytes , and 2:4:1 for epithelium , lymphocytes and fibroblasts ) and pelleting by centrifugation .
28 The task force was only made possible by cobbling together the remnants of the battle fleet , including the two last aircraft-carriers , Invincible and Hermes .
29 Williamson 's Fire ( 1901 ) competently builds tension by running together the story of a man in a burning room and the fire brigade scurrying to his rescue .
30 By tying together the two most important heavy industries in a modern economy , the Schuman Plan would make war between the two countries unthinkable and foster a rapprochement between them .
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