Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] at [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 These points are being forgotten at the very time that they have become most pressing — for the transition from communism in Russia and Eastern Europe has added greatly to the demands that are being placed on western aid budgets .
2 In order to have a sense of how the different codes are used in interactions , it is necessary for the linguist to be quite clear about which code is being used at a particular time .
3 I 'll be talking in a few moments time about aviation travel and the risks and , indeed , the trends that are being reflected at the present time , but erm before we move to that let's just think about those of us who perhaps have decided we wo n't go abroad .
4 Being called at an inconvenient time by an insensitive caller who assumes that since you 've answered the phone it must be convenient to talk ’ .
5 This is a United Nations embargo , er and er all ships are required to comply with it , er and er the British , Australian , American ships which combined in this action , and we 've just had another one , and er also , there which involved also different ships , but involved er British , Australian and American ships as well , er and that ship is being inspected at the present time .
6 There is general dissatisfaction with direct debits being charged at the wrong time or from the wrong account and so-called ‘ phantom withdrawals ’ from ATMs .
7 Their responses affect the habits of nectar-seeking insects and the type of pollen that is being spread at a particular time of day .
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