Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [adv prt] by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes we went to the Cours Mirabeau and watched the debris from the daily market being picked over by the local dogs .
2 You could follow my example and hitchhike out of Miami airport , but only if you 're prepared to risk being picked up by a religious maniac , or dropped off in an impenetrable jungle of freeways close to the cocaine-dealing centre of America , or both .
3 As an alternative , radio versions are now available at economic prices ; these allow virtually unrestricted movement to the wearer , the signals being picked up by a special receiver which passes them on to the camcorder via a short cable connection .
4 Four more S.79s were sent out from Sicily to search for it but one ran out of fuel and had to ditch , the crew being picked up by an Italian hospital ship .
5 This explanation of urban poverty in terms of ‘ perverse incentives ’ is being picked up by the right wing in Britain and used as the basis for proposals for new policies and regulations regarding unemployment benefit , income support , and housing entitlement as they apply to lone mothers .
6 Now she sees many of the ideas being picked up by the commercial companies with which she had dealings because they believe it brings new talent into the industry .
7 Pending the formation of an Inter-republican Economic Committee [ see above ] , whose proposed structure and functions were being worked out by Ivan Silayev , RSFSR Prime Minister , the functions of government in the economic sphere were being carried out by the interim Committee for the Management of the National Economy , also chaired by Silayev [ see p. 38371 ] .
8 The members of the Board felt that a community approach was essential and hoped that our work with the community would complement the work being carried out by the above and other organisations in the area .
9 However , it was subsequently discovered that the real target had been the Interior Minister Moussa , the attack being carried out by the Islamic fundamentalist group Al Jihad , allegedly in retaliation for the killing of two Islamic leaders by the security forces in August and September .
10 Mullineux does not make it clear , however , what the advantages would be of dismantling the Bank of England and the major functions being carried out by the private sector , indeed it is difficult to see of any real benefits , although the disadvantages could be major .
11 I hope the Noble Earl will be able to give me an answer in perhaps in correspondence following this , also the date upon which at they were informed , because I am sure he will realise the implications as far as the rest of the British Police Service are concerned that as from April of this year they will have to take on a heavy burden of work which is now being carried out by the British Transport Police .
12 The formal consultative process is being carried out by the Scottish Education Department and comments on the report should be directed to J C Pearson Esq , Scottish Education Department , Room 2/19 , New St Andrew 's House , Edinburgh EH1 3SY .
13 That inquiry is not being carried out by the military or the police , and when we see what it reports , we will decide , together with our EC partners , what to do next .
14 Then you may be able to help with a unique research project being carried out by the Royal Horticultural Society , the Royal Botanical Gardens , Kew , and the National Poisons Unit .
15 I am quite sure lessons for everyone will emerge from the inquiry being carried out by the Welsh Affairs Committee .
16 To this end a campaign to grant the status of national park to a large wilderness area comprising about a sixth of the land area of the island is being carried out by the local government of Gran Canaria .
17 Parents will no longer accept being fobbed off by the so-called experts .
18 I thought I was being spied on by a right nutter ! ’
19 On his way through the underground roads , he met a miner who told him of having seen heavy machinery being moved along by an unknown force .
20 Ships were carved from the blighted forests with supernatural speed , and raiders moved as far as the Isle of the Dead before being turned back by the warding spells .
21 I was watching Stalag 17 with my grandmother and being felt up by a dirty old man .
22 Ernest Long summarised the change snappily in his note to the Authority 's accountant when they were working out the implications in 1954 : ‘ instead of being messed about by the long-haired boys at the Treasury we are now dealt with by the Finance boys — and we much prefer it that way ’ .
23 President Lansana Conte ( who on April 4 , 1990 , was given the rank of major-general by the CMRN ) said in his 1990 New Year address that the draft constitution being drawn up by a 50-member committee chaired by Foreign Minister Maj. Jean Traore would be submitted to the nation for discussion and amendment during 1990 ; a referendum on it would be held by the end of the year [ see also p. 37060 ] .
24 When I arrived at the course , there they were in a rack being watched over by a young man , who , in turn , placed them in a buggy .
25 After being talked down by a flying instructor last week , Mr Alan Anderson was said to be under sedation .
26 Are not those successful British companies sick and tired of being talked down by the doom-monger Labour party ?
27 Although today these vital units of the railway system are being phased out by the modern fully automated control centres , there still remains the lonely , isolated signal box , often miles from anywhere , that on a dark winter 's night can conjure up strange happenings and instil fear even in the heart of the most level-headed signalman .
28 In appropriately ‘ watery ’ metaphors , Mr Wallace spoke of the Government 's economic strategy in Scotland ‘ sinking beneath the waves , ’ and Mr Mullin expressed concern that ‘ Scotland is being dragged down by the sinking ship of the UK ’ .
29 Scotland is being dragged down by the sinking ship of the UK . ’
30 After a while she became more accustomed to the extreme dark and quite enjoyed blowing out the light and being swallowed up by the billowing darkness .
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