Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There is a radioactive process — beta decay — which enables one of the protons to shed its charge , in effect becoming a neutron at the instant of fusing ( the electrical charge being carried off by a positively charged form of the electron , known as a positron ) , the proton and neutron fusing to make a deuteron and liberating energy .
2 In other words , will workers in the future be increasingly herded together in large factories or offices belonging to even larger corporations or will there be a shift towards work being carried out at a more local level within small groups , perhaps operating as independent companies , partnerships , or co-operatives ?
3 Clive expressed his distrust and fear of being let down by a very detached attitude in all his relationships .
4 Despite being caught up in an almost mystical trance , Laura had not entirely forgotten that she was n't the only person swimming in the ocean .
5 I had no idea what it was , but it certainly tasted good , all being washed down with a very good red wine .
6 It is perhaps worth recording here , particularly for the benefit of Alan , to whom I am copying this letter , that the idea , while being born out of a most pleasant lunch with Terri Peralla , stands up well in my view to critical evaluation .
7 ‘ But being brought up in a strictly Christian home , I 'm so disgusted with myself I feel I 've got to hide it and atone for it with ‘ good works ’ . ’
8 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
9 It was flung open , and she side-stepped hastily , only just avoiding being knocked down by a very annoyed Roman .
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