Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 West Germany was to be the poor relation , with all its military units being placed under the integrated command structure .
2 This large , three-engined , beast is being placed on a 21 year loan to the Dutch Military Aviation Museum at Kamp Zeist , near Soesterberg , where it will be displayed in Dutch Far East markings .
3 It refers to the duty being placed on the new committee , ( a ) to monitor the effects of this Act on bus passengers in Scotland ; and , ( b ) to make recommendations to bus operators and the Secretary of State regarding the effects of this Act on bus passengers in Scotland . "
4 Extend the back leg and slide it backwards , the free hand being placed on the upper thigh of the extended leg .
5 Emphasis is being placed on the cognitive basis of social identity in contrast to the more familiar emphasis on evaluations .
6 And one of the prime factors most often pointed to as a cause has been the rise of the new media of communication and entertainment , particular emphasis being placed on the deleterious effects of television .
7 The success of two trial Training Courses held in June and October at Birmingham and York confirmed the belief that the wider demands being placed on the Honorary Welfare Officers meant that some formal training was essential .
8 Under pressure from diminishing resources and central government exhortations , much greater emphasis is being placed on the careful targeting of policy measures to the places where people suffer from the most severe problems , as evidenced by the successive reviews of regional policy and by the initiatives of the 1970s and 1980s aimed at rejuvenating inner city areas .
9 The dogs , mostly mongrels , undergo a four-month training programme before being placed with a deaf person .
10 This resulted in 75% of contracts being placed with the traditional provider .
11 The miniature was much damaged by being placed near a large stove in the house of the defendant who was nevertheless held not liable to L.
12 It had not been taken seriously by MPs or press and the Black case was discredited by being placed alongside the earlier claim .
13 As potential applications for PCR develop more emphasis is being placed upon the practical aspects of the reaction .
14 This bout of ‘ insanity ’ led to his being placed in a padded cell .
15 Ivor Stokle , 34 , a quantity surveyor , told a hushed Bristol Crown Court how he and his girlfriend , Mrs Pauline Leyshon , 43 , were kidnapped at knifepoint from a bungalow , beaten and bound before being placed in a blazing car which was pushed off a hillside .
16 In this case the mother submitted to the judge that to order the removal of the child from the United Kingdom back to Canada would expose him to a grave risk of being placed in an intolerable situation .
17 At the same time schools are being placed in the front line of accountability by the proposal to give headteachers and governors direct control of budgets and the opportunity to opt out of LEA control .
18 Progressive versus non-progressive disorders — The diagnostic groups were broadly classified into progressive and non-progressive disorders ( table II ) , stroke patients being placed in the second group for analysis .
19 No station was allowed to take a prize in the same class for more than two successive years , but if a station which had done so was deemed worthy of being placed in the same class in a third year , it received a special first-class certificate but no money .
20 Benredjeb gave former WBC champion Hodkinson a few problems before being stopped in the eighth round of a European featherweight title challenge in December 1989 .
21 In fact , petitions — which are scarcely known before 1272 — quickly became so numerous that by 1280 most were being redirected to the appropriate departments of royal government ( the exchequer and the chancery above all ) and only the remainder were dealt with by the king .
22 A variety of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin , Sousa chinensis , is being threatened with extinction by the construction of Hong Kong 's new airport , just as it is being recognized as a distinct species .
23 We have then no reason to be surprised if the distinction between ascription and association in adjectives is overlooked or mistakenly supposed to be a matter of " nuances of meaning " , rather than being recognized as a systematic variation .
24 The RSDLP should be reorganized as a federal party , with the Bund being recognized as the sole representative of Jewish workers and the party programme promising ‘ personal cultural autonomy ’ ( that is , all Jewish workers , regardless of where they lived in the empire , would be members of a national Jewish association , responsible for all Jewish educational and cultural affairs ) .
25 The prospect of a civilisation being overturned by an allowed evil getting control is a real fear for Spenser .
26 Police inquiries seem to have got nowhere but they believe , as do Jim 's neighbours and friends that the killer is being shielded within the local community .
27 Zeng was deeply affected by being exposed to a wider range of photographic influences and styles during these years , but it took an exhibition of Cartier-Bresson 's work in Peking in 1987 to finally convince him that photographs could actually carry meaning and profundities just as a painting or a piece of music can .
28 The seeds are all the external influences that tend to throw us out of balance and they may affect us on any level of our being ; on the physical level it may be something simple like being exposed to a cold wind , getting soaked in the rain or even some form of trauma .
29 Dr John Bromley , senior partner at the practice , in Monkgate , York , admitted failing to prevent John being exposed to a hazardous substance and was fined £750 under the Health and Safety Act .
30 Yet it is probably fair to suggest that few people could have been immune from the implications of the party struggle at Westminster , since decisions taken by the central government often had a direct affect on ordinary people 's lives , and few people could have avoided being exposed to the political controversies of the day through the various media of propaganda .
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