Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [adv] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now that Rune had taken charge of the whole operation , bringing in ‘ back-up ’ troops , her own futile efforts were being shown up for the amateur plan they were !
2 Local officials said that the move could result in the police and army being used locally for the first time , but reflected members ' anger and frustration .
3 Well first of all I suppose one should say that we do n't just use one computer , we , like lots of other libraries , have got access to a large number of computers , and indeed you 'll find these computers being used elsewhere for the same sort of way .
4 Well , first of all I suppose one should say that we do n't just use one computer , we , like lots of other libraries , have got access to a large number of computers , and indeed you 'll find these computers being used elsewhere for the same sort of work .
5 She remembered also , the hand of one of the drowning men , rising up out of the torrent and clutching , clutching at empty air before being dragged under for the last time .
6 A specially-built Ferrari is being entered privately for the gruelling Le Mans ( 24 ) Twenty Four hour race by an engineering team … not from Italy … but from the Forest of Dean .
7 As expenditures on arms decline with the ending of the cold war , there may be more money available for aid , but democratic politics being what they are , few would care to bet on it ; certainly not on any percentage saved being set aside for the developing nations .
8 But please remember what Doctor Barton has pointed out — you are not being judged twice for the same crime .
9 Grass-roots workers recognise the problems being stored up for the general election .
10 If McHale reverts to a 4–2–4 system Thompson will push on the right flank with Mark Ash recalled to right-back after being left out for the last three games .
11 It did not seem so cute after a massive explosion ripped apart the pilot plant ( ironically as it was being shut down for the last time ) and killed two of Dequasie 's colleagues .
12 New Zealand duo David Bargh and Mark Thorpe are being chased hard for the top slot by Australian Norman Scott .
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