Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [prep] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The status of comedy is crucial to the debate , and we can at least be sure that Kingsley Amis would not object to having his practice compared with Waugh 's , or to being placed with him among the monologists of the Right .
2 It 's a hundred and twenty miles — say up to three hours in that little crate — and he could make the night train down , arriving home in the early morning and , with luck , not being recognized by anybody on the trip or at the station , and not disturbing the family . ’
3 to remember that teenagers normally go through the phase of being attracted to someone of the same sex .
4 Now , new offices were being built for it on the other side of the road , but they were not quite ready , and meantime , the new publisher from the East and his editors functioned in an atmosphere of such utter confusion that it is doubtful if an efficiency expert could even have fought his way in through the door .
5 There was a feeling that this was being imposed on them by the LEA .
6 In fact , competition has been reduced , prices have rocketed , thousands of public house tenants have been forced out of the trade and thousands more have felt that they have no reasonable option other than to accept the terms being imposed upon them by the brewers and accept long leases at enormously increased rents , with full responsibility for repairs .
7 He was not aware of any post being sought for him by the Government and , if offered one , would have turned it down .
8 you go or the person who has been hypnotized so that in the most extreme cases , as we know , the hypnotized person lapses into a kind of trance , whether a kind of sleeping automaton with no ego and their decisions are now being made for them by the hypnotist who tells them what do to and they , they act as a kind of a , a puppet as if their ego ha has been turned off al al al altogether and clearly there 's a parallel here with what Freud 's going on in the group .
9 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
10 Mr Heslop added that a court would not intervene in a management decision to dismiss a chief executive when allegations of bad faith were being made by him against the chairman and other board members .
11 Several doors ran off it , two now open as prisoners were being moved from one to the other .
12 Even as far away as Australia commentators talked about a quiet revolution in the way Australians and their communities were responding to the types of learning challenges being presented to them by the changing social conditions of the 1970s and early 1980s .
13 In this chapter we shall be looking at how this particular group of people might view and understand what is being offered to them by the church at the time of a major bereavement .
14 Each pair of dovetailing decisions ( each market transaction completed ) constitutes a case in which each party is being offered an opportunity which , to the best of his knowledge , is the best being offered to him in the market .
15 Before exploring some of the attitudes held towards the issue of assessment by the arts teachers interviewed , it might help to look at the philosophies being advanced by them towards the teaching of their respective specialisms .
16 Saddam 's means of war are products of modern science and technology , as are those even more lethal systems being unleashed against him by the Western allies .
17 The Cuban Communists , who for the first six months of 1959 had made policy proclamations which were cautiously but unequivocally more radical than Castro 's , subsequently found that they were fast being outstripped by him in the proposal of anti-capitalist measures .
18 By the time he had rushed down in an elevator and emerged on the track , the other two medallists had received their medals — and the national anthem was being played without anybody on the gold medal podium .
19 The Old Testament bears frequent witness to Israel 's sense of being under attack from her God , and being brought by him to the verge of extinction .
20 If you are no longer acting for any of the appellants shown as being represented by you on the enclosed Roll , you should inform this office , in writing , at least seven days before the hearing date , enclosing a copy of your letter to the appellant informing him/her that you are no longer acting , giving him/her details of the date , time and place of the Appeal hearing and that he/she must attend to present his/her Appeal and that failure to appear may result in the Appeal being dismissed .
21 The previous day , she had demanded halts at least a dozen times , claiming they were being followed by something in the undergrowth , to the left of their narrow path .
22 Nor was she going to give in to the warm and leaping sensations being generated in her by the slow , rhythmic stroking of his fingers .
23 It is now fairly clear , moreover , that political considerations , of not wishing to be seen as having ‘ destroyed the value of the pound sterling ’ , were of major importance in the Labour government 's initial resistance to devaluation in 1967 quite apart from powerful pressures against devaluation being exerted on it by the Bank of England [ Tomlinson , 1985 ] .
24 And according to Jacqui , the reason for this must be Steen 's fear of her being associated with him in the Sally Nash case because it might affect his chances of a knighthood .
25 Unisys has created the marketing rationale of the customer selecting the timing of its jump to the next generation rather than being forced to it by the vendor 's phasing out existing technology .
26 To cover the glitch Intel Corp has created with Pentium — see front page — Unisys Corp has created the marketing rationale of the customer selecting the timing of its jump to the next generation rather than being forced to it by the vendor 's phasing out existing technology .
27 Diario 16 also carried a cartoon portraying Diana as Cinderella with a glass slipper bouncing off her head after being thrown at her from the palace .
28 There were two allied problems : how to keep up with and respond to the welter of material being thrown at it by the CEGB and the various government departments ; and how to encourage more people to present their own views in opposition .
29 Cleo staggered back from the loving assault being bestowed upon her by the two larger animals .
30 Oliver , being left to himself in the undertaker 's shop , set the lamp down on a workman 's bench , and gazed timidly about him with a feeling of awe and dread , which many people a good deal older than he will be at no loss to understand .
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