Example sentences of "at an annual [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The unit may not have the capital in the beginning and has therefore to borrow 10,000 at an annual percentage rate ( APR ) of 12 per cent ( otherwise known as the ‘ internal rate of return ’ ) .
2 The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Annual Report ( 1986 ) in the UK quotes that there are 5700 deaths and 3 million people injured each year in home accidents at an annual cost to the NHS of about £350 million .
3 Take , for example , the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial ( known in the trade as ‘ Mr Fit ’ ) , a study of over 12 000 men in 22 clinical centres in the US started 10 years ago at an annual cost of $12 million .
4 However , a pension of 15s 0d per week at the age of 65 , conditional on retirement ( plus an equal amount for wives ) , would probably remove 316,000 individuals from employment at an annual cost of about £20,000,000 .
5 Its closure was estimated as reducing capacity by approximately 100,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) , at an annual cost to the economy of US$500 million .
6 Guinness Ireland sponsors over 100 festivals each year — nearly three quarters of all Irish tourist board listed festivals — at an annual cost of IR£1.5m .
7 The EC currently supports the scheme at an annual cost of £206m .
8 Over the third quarter of this year , he told parliament , output by Soviet industry had risen at a rate of one per cent while wages were soaring at an annual pace of 15 per cent .
9 Describe the methods which could be used to arrive at an annual forecast of sales .
10 It was named the biggest flop of 1992 by the British Turkey Federation which presents the award at an annual charity luncheon .
11 Every hour we are paying for the services of the Chancellor of the Exchequer , at an annual salary of £63,047 .
12 Under the Act he was appointed medical officer of health for the borough of Liverpool from 1 January 1847 , the first such appointment in England ; initially part-time , the post became full-time in 1848 at an annual salary of £750 .
13 The conference adopted the minority report and family allowances were not discussed formally at an annual conference again until 1941 .
14 Wilson , speaking at an Annual Conference almost a quarter of a century later summarised the experience of 1887–1894. " 1887 was a fairly good year .
15 M4 , the best measure we have , has risen at an annual rate of around 18 per cent , and even this year it has continued to rise at that rate .
16 When the late Conservative administration did its sums at the end of 1963 it found that its future programme worked out at an annual rate of increase of 4.1 per cent .
17 The decline was mainly due to lower non-oil imports , which fell at an annual rate of 14% between the fourth quarter of 1990 and the first quarter of this year .
18 On this basis , inflation stands at more than 7% ( at an annual rate ) and has actually crept up since January ( see chart ) .
19 The 0.1% productivity rise in the first six months of this recession compares with an average fall of 1.2% ( at an annual rate ) in the same period of the past four recessions .
20 Real GDP fell in three of the four quarters in the year to September , with output down 6.4% at an annual rate in the third quarter .
21 A survey by Hay Management Consultants estimates that boardroom pay in Britain was still rising at an annual rate of 10–14% in the last six months of 1990 , although profits had long been tumbling .
22 Average base pay was rising at an annual rate of 7.3 p.c. in February but recession , the reduction in working hours and bonuses meant the increase in total pay was down to 6½ p.c. although still comfortably ahead of inflation .
23 Output prices were rising at an annual rate of 4½ p.c. last month , against 4.4 p.c. in February .
24 This increase was at an annual rate of 10 per cent between 1975 and 1980 , due to increased purchases of wheat , maize , sorghum , vegetable oils , dairy products , beans and sugar , all basic foodstuffs .
25 The principles of logarithms were discovered in the seventeenth century ; they gave a tremendous technical spur to navigation , astronomy and to the growing commercial sector , facilitating tedious calculations , like nineteen months ' interest at an annual rate of 2.79 per cent .
26 In spite of this German industry expanded rapidly : between 1870 and 1913 the UK economy was growing at an annual rate of about 2.2 per cent ; the French economy at 2.6 per cent ; the US economy at 3.2 per cent ; and the German economy at a staggering 4.3 per cent .
27 Once Korn/Ferry 's annual fee income — growing at an annual rate of 30% — had overtaken that of Heidrick and Struggles by 1978 and Boyden by 1979 , they sought overseas expansion .
28 But the OECD reckons it will rebound strongly in the second half , at an annual rate of 3.2% .
29 In the fourth quarter of 1992 , the economy grew at an annual rate of 4.7% , which gave a roseate glow to Bill Clinton 's first few weeks in office but always looked too good to last .
30 At an annual rate , GDP grew by just 1.8% in the first quarter of the year ; most commentators expect growth for the year to be no more than 2.5% , if that .
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