Example sentences of "at the moment but " in BNC.

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1 The man on the Belgium desk at the Foreign Office was being driven to despair by what was coming out of Brussels at the moment but Henry saw no reason to say so .
2 I 've got a big wardrobe at the moment but it mainly consists of shoes — I bought these boots from Read or Dead . ’
3 It is dangerous to oppose any of Arthur Stephenson 's runners at the moment but Bonnie Artist , although he has won four in a row , has not beaten anything of real ability .
4 It is dangerous to oppose any of Arthur Stephenson 's runners at the moment but Bonnie Artist , although he has won four in a row , has not beaten anything of real ability .
5 There are no problems at Chepstow at the moment but if itfalls foul of the weather , Bonanza Boy will be re-routed to the King George at Kempton .
6 We 're working at things which the players might not appreciate at the moment but they will in 10 years time when they look back on what they have achieved .
7 Of course people are talking pretty big at the moment but half of them are as ready to drop as I am . ’
8 This demo 's not for sale at the moment but there 's a chance to see the band at the Wheatsheaf , Farnham , on Wednesday night .
9 I 'm sure you must feel pretty bloody at the moment but look on the bright side , you could be Belgian .
10 ‘ I 'm certainly not in 2:12 shape at the moment but I 'll be disappointed if I ca n't improve on my 2:23 from last year .
11 They are not going in at the moment but that does n't worry me because he is a smashing lad doing the right things again .
12 ‘ I admit I am not playing that well at the moment but I do n't think either Dewi Morris or Steve Bates are pulling up trees either .
13 The plonker does n't actually know how to operate it at the moment but he will once he 's passed his night school exams .
14 The manager ca n't justifiably desert either of his regulars at the moment but knows that if he walked the street and canvassed the fans there would be only one answer : bring on the Frenchman !
15 Abbey National might be feeling perky at the moment but few others of the major players share its rosy view .
16 ‘ We are riding the storm at the moment but things are getting worse in the recession , ’ said George .
17 ‘ On the other hand we 're the draw specialists at the moment but another one is n't much good to us and I 'm confident that we can go out there and beat Forest . ’
18 That is , he does nothing , he does nothing at the moment but prepares for action , or he takes action .
19 I think I probably speak for er quite a few people in the audience at the moment but I myself who intimidated going in there cos of the clientele that seems to be attracted to it .
20 I do n't know if I know I understand obviously monies not around at the moment but if they made some way of creating some kind of jazz pub closing it down making it part of the theatre again it 's it 's just a like a pub and I I do n't ever feel comfortable going in there and buying drinks on rehearse . .
21 Erm I 've , I I think I 'll erm was talking about people attending the health authority meetings at the moment but the local health authority do move meetings around , Saffron Walden Bishop 's Stortford , Harlow and and and one over at erm and this apart from it 's was only us coming from Harlow at the meeting last week and the health authority met in Harlow er , you know the me the meetings are moving about , they are there for people to come to but if they 're not coming to the meetings while they 're o on on the doorstep then , then really what else can the health authority do to me , to make people come ?
22 Now , that 's really great to me because I mean , you 're really stimulating the youngsters at that age , and quite obviously I could tell you loads of stories the way this neighbourhood engineers er er , scheme works at the moment but as I say we are embarrassed at the moment because , quite obviously , loads of school want us to participate but we got a very shortage of engineers .
23 Er , as I say , I 'm ra , I 'm very pessimistic about it at the moment but
24 Her husband was in close attendance at the moment but Jenny knew he was due at the meeting .
25 He 's out at the moment but he 'll be in later and he 'll phone either tonight or in the morning . ’
26 I 'm not really worried about it to be honest I 'm not worried about any of them , I thought I would actually be erm I 'm actually , we 're under a lot of pressure at the moment but I 'm not actually , usually when I 'm like that it 's all gone I tend to say well forget about it and you know run away from it kind of thing ,
27 product , we 've just got one row for one product at the moment but in the future you might want to insert another row and er the product B and then all I would need to do is just copy the formula down and I know it would work cos I made it copyable down as well .
28 No problems there at the moment but if you 're heading there later on watch it .
29 Said Robert : ‘ I have 36 pigeons at the moment but they do n't all race long distance ’ .
30 All of these patients are loath to consider an ileostomy at the moment but fully accept that pouch excision may eventually be necessary .
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