Example sentences of "at the age when " in BNC.

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1 It did not start to spray urine at the age when any typical male would have done so .
2 At the age when it first occurs in respect of strong contrary feelings , the young child needs his parents to understand that the greater the yearning , the greater the protest .
3 At the age when such a split is formed , such is the yearning for the food , comfort , holding and love which are withheld that the good becomes idealized .
4 However , only a minority of adolescents will have reached the ego-identity achievement stage at the age when most pupils have to make crucial decisions about subject choice at school .
5 So I wondered what chance I had of outstaying Lebanese men who had picked up their first Kalashnikov aged six , or the Vietnamese man who had seen his mother raped before going on to kill his first Cambodian at the age when I was doing my Common Entrance .
6 It was the authority–s policy , and an implied term of the applicant 's contract of employment , that employees retired at the age when they became entitled to draw the state retirement pension , this being aged 65 for a man and 60 for a woman .
7 A large studio shot showed Euturpia Kennedy at the age when I first met her , shy hope not yet driven from her eyes .
8 ‘ I do n't see why not , ’ said Tilney , who was at the age when the more outrageous the idea , the better .
9 She was at the age when many women are at their physical best : tall , thin , but shapely ; smart , but not too dauntingly so ; fragrant ( a touch of Poison ) ; and fun : she had mastered early on the necessary female skill of charity towards her suitors ' jokes .
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