Example sentences of "at the thought [that] " in BNC.

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1 Revulsion at the thought that I am responsible for it .
2 At the thought that I could ever have imagined it had any value .
3 I did look at the stripogram group because I was so horrified at the thought that they might do it again .
4 In his introduction to the privately printed edition of Pansies , for instance , Lawrence castigates Swift for his ‘ gnashing insanity ’ , his ‘ insolent and sickly squeamish mind ’ , at the thought that ‘ Celia shits ’ .
5 Bond was smiling , presumably at the thought that he had beaten his long-time rival Syd Fischer whose 79ft Ragamuffin finished next .
6 That is why it is possible for a Christian in particular to feel at one and the same time joyful because the person who has died has entered eternal life , and overwhelmingly sad , or guilty , or relieved at the thought that they have died and the survivor is left with vast changes to absorb into their life pattern .
7 A computer manager with the Scottish Examination Board , Mr Fisher chuckles at the thought that he is ‘ fighting my boss 's boss ’ .
8 This was the final straw for Mrs B who broke down completely at the thought that her daughter could still think of her mother when this horrible thing was happening to her .
9 The answers have still to be provided , but six months on Mota and her coach/boyfriend Joś Pedrosa sit happily in their holiday home just outside Oporto and chuckle at the thought that her racing career is in crisis .
10 Kit hugged herself with pleasure at the thought that she had raised a son who would be an engineer .
11 It had been one thing to be suddenly full of Dutch courage at the thought that Freddie Nash , having seen Eleanor again , had decided to seek her out .
12 It is the life force within us that is the cause of that denial , which makes it impossible for the healthy to imagine a time when it will have faded , which makes them tremble at the thought that , were voluntary euthanasia ever legalized , abuse would inevitably follow , and when they became old and ill , they would be at risk of being put away .
13 One of the boys , now adult , tells me that even today he shivers at the thought that is etched on his brain of being chased by a ghost on a motorcycle …
14 Having been brought up as patriots , they were benumbed at the thought that there was to be a conflict between their country and all the beliefs that they held dear .
15 Among the Copernicans there was exhilaration at the thought that man , in his astronomical understanding , had now surpassed the ancients .
16 The Collector shuddered at the thought that he might have had to endure his own illness within those walls .
17 At this Maria Candida , who had been listening on the stairs , let out a wail of joy at the thought that she would be seeing Portugal again ; Leonora went to embrace her daughter and whisper her blessings , while Gerald , who knew when he was beaten and was never any good in emotional situations , announced that he had important business in the castle yard , and would return as soon as he had attended to it .
18 He said the words softly , like a breath , letting them mingle with her scent , then turned away , reddening at the thought that had come to mind .
19 ‘ You know that is n't true , ’ Harry reproached her , although his heart was beating with excitement at the thought that Madeleine was as anxious to be alone with him as he with her .
20 Watching her , he became aware of an extraordinary pain at the thought that she could never know how strongly he felt about her .
21 ‘ That 's obscene , ’ Ace growled , the hairs on the back of her neck prickling at the thought that a mother could do that .
22 The disbelief Mortimer felt vied with rage at the thought that they had known this and had n't divulged it earlier .
23 Am I alone in feeling threatened at the thought that audit is supervised by direct employees of the family health services authority ?
24 Imagine our horror at the thought that we might now be held legally responsible for the tragic results of an inadequate diet .
25 No doubt my loved ones are already laughing heartily at the thought that I could have anything useful to say to a secretary of state , and two years ago I too would have discounted the idea that a politically damp , small ‘ c ’ conservative would ever be in a position to offer advice on competition and free markets to a Tory government .
26 She closed her eyes as the memory rushed back vividly into her mind again , and a feeling of panic rose through her at the thought that a fierce spark of that madness might be living on within her as she approached the middle of her life .
27 Before they left the camp he had seen the hides of the bull and its calf scraped clean of all life , suspended like limp black rags in the drying tent ; their white , eyeless skulls were hanging close by , and he felt a sense of desolation suddenly at the thought that he was responsible .
28 Sometimes I thought I was going to ; sometimes I was even more scared at the thought that I would n't .
29 Everything became one long dreary goodbye as parents came to thank Cassie for all she had done for their children , and the children themselves became sad and fretful at the thought that soon Cassie would no longer be their teacher .
30 Seething at the thought that acne-ridden new savers were getting a better deal than a man of his maturity and substance , he retired like a wounded beast to its lair to ponder the problem .
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