Example sentences of "at the table and " in BNC.

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1 He joined me at the table and poured out two generous measures of the clear liquid from the bottle .
2 Each day her youngsters have to reserve a seat at the table and no prior reservation means no meal .
3 I wish I could sit at the table and help cut up Annie 's food like I used to , and we 'd have crackers and we 'd wear those paper hats and have them little prezzies from inside the crackers .
4 She sits at the table and smiles , asking firmly for a solo-brandy and coke in separate glasses .
5 Shivering at the table and peering down at the paper under the stumpy candle I allowed myself to wander off the straight path through the dark trees .
6 He pointed at the table and the waiter nodded .
7 Dashing into the kitchen now , she found Jessie standing at the table and squeezing a lemon into a glass and she had almost pulled her from the table towards the door before she managed to say to her , ‘ He 's … he 's downstairs in the yard .
8 The man who had opened the door looked at the two men seated at the table and said , ‘ This dame here says she knows about wor Robbie ; she says he 's in hospital .
9 But no one has said that you can not sit at the table and talk to your family , even if you choose not to eat .
10 He poured the tea into a mug , added milk and sugar , then sat down at the table and began to eat and drink .
11 Lee had risen and moved to where he sat at the table and was showing him the completed unicorn 's head .
12 Willie sat dejectedly at the table and watched Tom drag his small mattress past the window .
13 He and Mr Fletcher sat at the table and Willie took one of the mugs and perched himself on the stool in front of the range .
14 When he had finished his chores he sat down at the table and copied out ‘ I am William Beech ’ over and over again until Tom , after much effort , finally persuaded him to go for a run and exercise Sammy .
15 Within an eastern culture , table-fellowship and the sharing of a meal is regarded as a particularly intimate form of association , The fact that Jesus was prepared to act in such a fashion , and to be seen doing it , communicated as powerfully as any pronouncement , both to his friends at the table and his enemies at the window ( Matt.
16 They say they are looking forward to seeing him soon , and that he will be safely with them to sit down at the table and enjoy the feast of the next Thanksgiving dinner .
17 Now come along , sit up at the table and have your tea . ’
18 Substitute LoSalt for common salt , at the table and in cooking to reduce your family 's salt intake .
19 Hyperactive and overactive young children often can not concentrate long enough to sit at the table and so teaching this is a very important part of learning to control them generally .
20 When she returned to the kitchen , she sank down at the table and tried to eat a little of the food , conscious that Craig was watching her .
21 She sat at the table and painstakingly wrote down the sums of money that should have come in for the work already done .
22 You can sit at the table and do them .
23 She sat at the table and counted what she had left .
24 One minute he was at the table and the next he was threading his way between the dancers , leaving Geoffrey asleep with his cheek resting on a bread roll , bits of tinsel glittering in his hair .
25 They sat down at the table and Monks started immediately .
26 Do n't rush off just yet if you 're having your lunch , stay at the table and erm let it go down .
27 As the mandroids calmly gassed the beaked exter and carted them both off to be flung into the street , I slid on to one of the unstained seats at the table and cheerfully looked around for a servaton .
28 She sat down again at the table and worked on steadily .
29 He sat down at the table and put his face in his hands .
30 Helen sat down at the table and watched him .
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