Example sentences of "at present in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Dalai Lama has sought to secure an agreement with the Chinese Government for the future autonomy of Tibet , which effectively exists at present in name only .
2 Australian TV is at present in turmoil precisely as a result of desperate overbidding .
3 Only four Executive Committee meetings a year would be involved as the Publicity Sub-Committee is at present in abeyance .
4 A moratorium is at present in force on all commercial whaling .
5 Literary theory is at present in demand as a point of reference for writing on the visual arts .
6 Refineries have been designed and optimised to produce the Fuels at present in demand .
7 It would maintain the water regime in the other two basins , for which no other alternative was at present in prospect , create jobs in supporting services and maintain servicing allied to the port use and further enhance the locational advantages of the Medway Towns for business .
8 He is at present in exile in Magadan and due to be released in December 1984 .
9 For instance , collecting botanical families of herbs , one to a border , will reveal that the Lablatae , Umbelliferae and Compositae are the ones containing the most herbal plants at present in use in Europe and North America .
10 This method of indexing was used on the IBM 1400 series computers — the control sequential method — and is at present in use with ICL 's 2900 series .
11 19–1–1914 The Church Hymnary was introduced in addition to the Psalms and Paraphrases at present in use .
12 Counties Donegal , Cavan and Monaghan ( at present in Republican Limbo ) must be a part of Ulster in legal fact as well as by tradition .
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