Example sentences of "[being] [verb] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Her backlist is being reissued in the same style , which may help her jump a league .
32 County roles take members into schools in their day-to-day work , and for some of the team 's functions ( especially the selection of schools for recommendation for inclusion in the project ) the project role is being played at the same time .
33 One may truly get the sense of the Reeve 's Tale being played by the same company with the same costumes on the same stage as the Miller 's Tale : Absolon 's red hose for the " " halyday " " ( 3319 – 40 ) re-appear early on ( 3952 – 5 ) , and the daughter has the same grey eyes as the delicate Absolon ( 3317 , 3974 ) .
34 Better foreign design may well mean no more than extra features being provided for the same price as the basic equivalent UK model [ CPRS , 1975 ] .
35 Coding was carried out by three coders , each child 's home and school observations being coded by the same person .
36 Lord Griffiths , committee chairman , said : ‘ The major step is that clients should have the choice of being represented by the same lawyer throughout .
37 Most of these reprints will have been requested by the prospective user , and others will have been sent by authors who recognise that user as being involved within the same specialism , and so such higher use is not unexpected .
38 A somewhat similar note was being struck at the same time in Scotland by the lay theologian Thomas Erskine of Linlathen ( 1788–1870 ) .
39 ‘ Fundamental questions are being posed at the same time about the company itself and about the strategic character of the industry . ’
40 They were afraid that if the Russian workers proved by demonstration that they were quite capable of managing their own affairs the workers of other countries would ask why their countries were not being governed in the same way
41 There was also a mobile canteen , whose function was to supply urns of tea and light snacks , rolls , etc , at snap time , a snap or tea break being allowed by the same wartime act .
42 The Special Discount is being continued on the same basis ( see page 2 ) and for those policies which qualify for the first time the increase is offset by approximately 6% .
43 Black sportsmen are drawn from the ranks of black working-class youth and these generally grow up under similar conditions , being subjected to the same kind of pressures or lack of them .
44 Inside the shrine wall-paintings showed the young king of Meroë with his feet resting on lines of bound prisoners ( one of them possibly a Roman legionary ) who were being subjected to the same indignity .
45 Great chunks of it may require changes in Company policy and I assume that those are being investigated in the same way as we have been asked to comment .
46 Now Thatcherism is being put to the same test as Keynesianism was .
47 They may be few and far between , but they cause worry to elderly people who fear that the gap may lead to them being put in the same position .
48 Was there any sense that er you were in fact being put in the same position as your parents had been your your grandparents , had been in in in the sense not being able to get above a certain level by having your wages your bonus cut ?
49 Other systems also being tried at the same time included dehydration and injection techniques , the latter to be perfected by a surgeon called Ruysch ( 1665–1717 ) , Professor of Anatomy at Amsterdam .
50 MOTORCYCLING fans here will be spoilt for choice next Saturday with four events being promoted on the same day .
51 The ideal schedule is one which can be used by a team of interviewers and yield the same stimuli to informants with their responses being recorded in the same way .
52 Although we may suffer several colds each winter we are not being re-infected with the same virus .
53 Economic information is not normally capable of being tested in the same way , but is still fairly reliable as the economy is so closely associated with material evidence .
54 Notwithstanding its measure of success nationally , the Congress ( I ) did badly in the Hindi heartland state of Uttar Pradesh , winning only Rajiv Gandhi 's former seat at Amethi , and none of the 17 state assembly seats being contested at the same time in that state .
55 Double Benefits for you and your Spouse — £160 each per day for a period of up to a year — in the event of you both being hospitalised at the same time because of an accident , whilst both insured under the same policy .
56 Bond had in May 1992 been sentenced to 2 years ' imprisonment [ see p. 38917 ] after being convicted on the same charge , but was released in August after the Western Australian Court of Criminal Appeal quashed the conviction and ordered a retrial [ see p. 39056 ] .
57 Our data are consistent with gonadal sex being determined by the same gene in all mammals and , together with the evidence for a marsupial Y-borne homologue of the mouse Ubely , provide support for a monophyletic origin of the mammalian Y chromosome .
58 Ministry of Defence and the centralization of the Defence votes , which were being studied at the same time as the Skybolt/Polaris crisis was coming to a head .
59 The plotting routines available in most statistical packages are still rather crude , especially those which rely on the line-printer as their printing device ; plots on machines designed for text mean that the resolution ( i.e. number of subdivisions possible on either the horizontal or vertical axis ) is usually poor ; many values that are in fact different can end up being plotted on the same point .
60 More than this , such transactions involve the production and movement of parts , for example gear-boxes from one country will be imported for cars being assembled in the same company 's factory in another country .
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