Example sentences of "by turning [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The revolution , through state control , has given agricultural labourers greater security and better wages by turning them into state employees .
2 Alcoves and corners can all be put to good use by turning them into highly attractive display features .
3 The government also proposed a new media policy , giving the television service , Doordarshan , and All-India Radio autonomy by turning them into public corporations , similar to the status enjoyed in the United Kingdom by the British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) .
4 EVC , an ICI/EniChem joint-venture PVC manufacturing company , recycles PET and PVC bottles by turning them into powder or granules and selling these on .
5 Estella and Miss Havisham reduce the reader 's sympathy towards Pip by turning him into a snob at the beginning and Magwitch helps to redeem Pip at the end by bringing out his loyalty .
6 They deconstructed our clear path to freedom by turning us on ourselves .
7 THE BRAIN EMO story PART 2 : ‘ He tried to change the world by turning it on its side and calling it something else ’
8 Resist that temptation by turning it on its head .
9 He degrades the nobility of the place by turning it into a weekend retreat ; the human beings firmly under his sway — the Damsels , and the Artist — do not question his purpose , and he announces that his achievement will last for ever :
10 Instead of using It ( a cleft structure ) , an identifying theme places an element in theme position by turning it into a nominalization using a wh-structure ( called a pseudo-cleft structure ) , as in What the book received in China was a great deal of publicity , or What was received by the book in China was a great deal of publicity .
11 Although I partly agree with Jacqueline Prelimo that photographs represent an attempt to possess the moment by turning it into something tangible ( Letters NI 185 ) , I have some reservations .
12 Now that is a humiliating experience , so you get through by turning it into a joke .
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